MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > For those who insist on calling this a r...

For those who insist on calling this a remake

Calling this a remake of the mini series is like saying that Man Of Steel was a remake of Superman The Movie. The term re-adaption may fit, but not remake.




You're quite welcome!


Something that pisses me off is how many people complain that we don't need a new adaptation because we have the mini-series. How many adaptations of novels like Great Expectations and Jane Eyre have they made? Both for TV and cinema. It seems like they make a new adaptation every few years and no one gets precious over the adaptation that proceeded the new one. I realise these novels are regarded as classics, but my point is that just because someone has adapted a novel before doesn't mean that no one else can ever touch it again. I enjoy the mini-series for what it is, but I'm ready to see a new take on It. In my opinion it's due for one.


Yes I agree! One of the only books that should be free of any re adaption would be Jaws! LOL!! Leave that one alone please!


You're splitting hairs.

Nearly all films are interpretations of words anyway. Most films were written down first, whether as a script or a say a published novel. Who cares if people call it a remake or adaption? It's an interpretation.

Personally, I don't care. I'm just looking forward too seeing what they've put together.

"Weird is better than dead."


Remake is a dirty word to most people, but like I said in my earlier post other movies based on books have been remade over and over again. It's not a new concept. Although I have to admit that you're right, if anyone remade Jaws I would be Pissed!! It's my second favourite movie of all time.


Not to mention it's one of few movies that were actually better than the book!


Yeah I agree. I read the book a few years ago and was really disappointed, the story was kinda boring in places and none of the four main characters were likable at all. Hooper is my favourite character in the movie, I'm glad he didn't meet the same fate his book counterpart met.


I liked all 3 of them in the movie (Brody, Hooper and Quint), but like yourself none of them, including Ellen Brody were likable in the book.


Oh please, it's a Hollywood money grab to cash in on the Nostalgia of the mini series which makes it a remake

Whether it has a couple more scenes from the book is neither here nor there


So it's a remake or a retelling who cares what it's called? Like I said before, lots of novels that have been made into movies before get updated remakes, it helps introduce the story and the source material to a new audience. The mini-series is fine for what it is, but it isn't perfect in any sense of the word and maybe the original story would benefit from an updated retelling, we won't know for sure until it's been released. You could also say that the original mini-series was a cash grab, trying to capitalise on the success of the novel, you could say that about any movie adapted from a best seller.


I don't agree with it really being a cash grab. Muschietti left doing a remake of the Mummy franchise which would have all but guaranteed him sequels, a much more sizeable paycheck, and a more broad Hollywood recognition, provided the movie went well.

For him to abandon the project to direct It tells me that however it turns out, he really is invested in making this film on a personal level, which is a redeeming factor with all things considered.


So I'm guessing you would consider Man Of Steel a remake of Superman The Movie, The Amazing Spider-Man a remake of Spider-Man, Spider-Man Homecoming a remake of both and so forth and so on?


Even if the Mini Series was a cash grab of the book it comes from an era when they knew how to make good movies which is sadly behind us


No, the mini-series was made in a time when Hollywood produced a mixed bag of the adequate, sublime and utter horse *beep* pretty much how it is right now and how it's always been.
