MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > What do you think the new fears will be?

What do you think the new fears will be?

We know of Judith, the Leper, the Butcher is speculated to be a form, "el operato" (the operator? Reminds me of Marble Hornets lol) is probably a form.

What do you guys think?


It would be cool if beverlys worst fear is her dad hating her and wishing he never had her. The scene in the book where it controls her dad and he acts perverted could be replaced with a scene of her dad saying something that completely validates these fears. We know what eddies will be. Bills fear will be the idea he was responsible for george dying and he will see zombie George. Can not think what the others fears will be.

The scary clown doll is hiding under my bed.


I'm guessing The Butcher is Ben's fear


Yeeah that's what I speculated about back in August. I think the Butcher's for Ben, Judith is for Richie, El Aparato ('The Aparatus') is for all of them. Possibly a manifestation of the turtle.


"A tool or machinery needed to complete a specific task or activity"

*beep* a, man, that's clever. Sounds like you could be right


Just occured to me, what if El Aparato is a Mexican version of the Turtle. Lmao. That would be hilarious. "Your chud, is no bueno. You need mas passione gringo."


Maybe the Butcher tries to eat Ben? He uses Ben's "gluttony" against him, telling Ben he'll taken an arm (or a wing), and a leg, and maybe a few ribs. Make him large, and grotesque, with a white apron covered in blood, and give him a big cleaver. That could be quite scary.

Actually, that brings to mind a scary image I saw on the cover of a magazine when I was a kid. I can't remember what the magazine was for, if it was some type of horror magazine, or filled with horror stories, but on the cover was an illustration of a grim looking man sitting at the foot of a table, holding a long knife and carving fork. On the table in front of him is a boy, of about eight or nine, on a big plate, with his hands and feet tied behind him like a pig. 


Well there was butcher shops in the earlier filming so I think you could be right. Maybe Ben will walk in and the butcher is chopping up a kid or something lol


El Aparato could also be the jack in the box that we saw today.


I wonder how Mike will see It. I highly dounbt the giant bird will be on this adaptation.


(The WiFi not working) LOL


I like your picture of Samuel L. Jackson. "I am just sick of this god damn Pennywise on this god damn plain!" 😂

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."


Since it's the 80's probably aids and the cold war and maybe an evil Pac-Man scene instead of a Werewolf


Maybe it will be negative *beep* trolls who complain about everything.


Where did you find this info about the butcher etc. Is there a website with the latest updates


I have to return some videotapes


Check the cast list.


On another note, does anyone think any of the 2 films could be cut or shortened - maybe by the censors? I've said this before, but after discovering The Woman In Black more "toned down" in Britain, rather pointlessly (for dark content), and director Muscietti hinting a director's cut; could we honestly want the original prints to contain some vividly strong stuff? I do know that some IT fans don't want the violence to be excessive but quite strong on the dark themes, and others that want to see explicit gore and gross creations splattered across the screen. Although I did hear from a post that Andre's quoted that this will be like a "Goonies adventure / crossed with horror" - (is that it?). Hopefully the year will go quick so we can be surprised by what's been given to us...

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."


Don't know about new fears, but I really hope, the Patrick part is done for scares. The fridge, the leech attack, Bev watching IT drag Patrick away and finally IT feeding on him, should make your skin crawl.
