MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > OT: I'm reading The Long Walk

OT: I'm reading The Long Walk

One of the books King wrote as Richard Bachman. It's a fantastic, character driven story and I highly recommend checking it out if you haven't.

I'm really surprised it hasn't been adapted to film yet considering we had The Hunger Games which was hugely successful and kinda shares the same kind of story which is kids competing in a messed up game of survival. It seems the time if perfect for this kind of movie.

I heard Frank Darabont has the rights to the story so maybe he'll do something with it in the near future.

Anybody here read it? What did you think of it?


I loved it!




Not gone there yet, but another Bachman novel is Blaze, which personally was the best thing I'd read in ages.


I'm gonna start Blaze next. it sounds really interesting. I'm also interested in reading Rage, but it seems difficult to get a copy that's not greatly over priced since it's out of print.


I started Rage but couldn't get into it. Plus, it seemed similar to two of his short stories about high school shootings. I'm sure there are rewards if you stick through though, but I was too lazy. You can get an electronic copy online, I'm sure. Have you read Apt Pupil? That's a good psycho-teen tale.


I saw the movie when it came out but never knew until recently that it was a King story. It's definitely on my list.

Have you read Roadwork? I ended up with it when I got The Long Walk but the synopsis doesn't make it sound like that interesting.


The movie adaption of Apt Pupil is pretty good, but the novella is better.

I'm halfway through Roadwork. It has some really good prose, but I haven't been compelled to finish it. It is a little hard going, but my friend said she really liked it. I like the seventies feel, but perhaps couldn't continue to invest in yet another guy losing his mind.


Wasn't Apt Pupil the film about a kid who found out his neighbor was a former Nazi? Was that a Stephen King story?

I intend to live forever.
So far, so good.


It sure was.


I wonder if the Long Walk might be a tough sell? It's just a bunch of kids walking. I also wonder if it would be a difficult movie to shoot, pretty much for the same reason.


A big budget studio movie would be a hard sell for this type of story for sure. If he can do it on an indie budget and get a group of talented kids I think it can be done. If anyone can do it, it's Darabont.


I would have thought so before The Mist.


I've always wanted a Long Walk adaptation sine I heard Darabont has the rights. He's just perfect for it.

I'd also like to see a new adaptation of The Running Man, which is one of my favorite Bachman books. The movie starring Shwartzenegger barely had anything to do with the book.


I love The Long Walk. Have read that story a few times.
