MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > Tim Curry was avoided during filming..

Tim Curry was avoided during filming..

Tim Curry's characterization of Pennywise was so creepy and realistic that everyone avoided him during the filming according to the DVD commentary Bill won't come close...


Bill won't come close

How do you know?


Tim Curry's characterization of Pennywise was so creepy and realistic that everyone avoided him during the filming according to the DVD commentary Bill won't come close...

So when they recorded the DVD commentary for the mini series they not already knew that Bill Skarsgaard would play Pennywise but also that he won't live up to Curry.

Or are you saying that the actor who played Bill wouldn't come near Curry cause he was scared of him?

My father was a drunk, a gambler and a womanizer. I idolized him


I'm saying how creepy and in character Tim Curry was on and off the set to where the actors were scared of him off the set bill skarsgÄrd doesn't seem to have that aora


In that case, maybe you should learn how to use interpunction.

My father was a drunk, a gambler and a womanizer. I idolized him


Sure thing but lol



Not entirely true, you can even find pictures of him hanging out with the actors.

And people who have seen Bill in action say he freaked them out. He supposedly has a very creepy way of behaving and moving when in character.


I just heard his voice for the first time (I always thought he had an accent :o)

I can hear Pennywise a bit.


Lol ok sure prove it


I meant I watched an interview with Bill Skarsgaard and I can imagine how he's gonna do the voice... Listen to him and tell me what you think

I'm probably wrong though because they'll most likely have some kinda editing with the voice


Everyone said the same thing when Heath Ledger was cast as the Joker. Morons don't learn.


When I was a young kid and after I saw the mini-series, I asked my mother... "Mum, is there a Pennywise in hell?" She replied - "Son, I'm sure there are a thousand Pennywise's in hell." Thanks allot mother - that only added to the torment!" It's surprising how far your imagination can stretch with creepy clowns, or at least when your young and easily scared.

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."



I agree. At least I won't have to close my eyes when watching Bill, as not with Tim Curry. And that will be a good thing, so I can watch the film in peace. (Tim curry "at least" looked scarier, just my opinion). But hey Skarsgard or Curry - they both scare and eat kids and are equally menacing? No big difference.

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."


Curry was magnificent to be sure, as he always is, but I'm willing to give Bill a chance.
After all, about 9-10 years ago (God, I feel old), I didn't think Heath Ledger would make a very good choice for playing the Joker, and we all know how that ended up.
