MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > 'I killed your *beep* dog'

'I killed your *beep* dog'

Think Bowers line will be in this?


Hope so. They just have to address that Mike had a dog (maybe show it in a photo) and then have Henry say the line. And BANG! Bower is characterized.

My review of IT:


I think I saw BTS pics with dogs at one point, but there was nothing to make me believe that any of them were Mr. Chips


There was a BTS still of a package of raw ground meat of some kind, and my mind instantly jumped to Mr. Chips. I hope that part is in the movie, cause that was really the scene that made me hate Henry.


That part, made me feel sorry for Henry in a strange way. A young teenager doing such sadistic acts to make his crazy father proud. In a way Henry unlike Patrick knows he is doing wrong. At first Henry is being influenced by his dad and later IT takes complete controle over him.
