MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > Sub Topic - Classic Monster Replacements...

Sub Topic - Classic Monster Replacements/Losers Individual Fears

Post your thoughts here on these or your own! Remember this version is set in the 1980s and we also assume they won't go CGI crazy!

Bill - Georgie winking yearbook remains
Bev - Blood in sink/expansion of evil Alvin Marsh
Ben - 1988 film the Blob or interpretation of his father (similar to mini series)
Richie - Room 237 woman from The Shining aka Judith or a crone aka Tracker Brothers office (even though that wasn't him in the book)
Mike - Death of his dog by Bowers returns evil ala Cujo
Eddie - finally the lepor!
Stan - finally the dead kids!

Patrick - leeches think it can be done effectively like they did creatures in The Mist
Belch/Victor - Frankenstein can replaced literally with anything large, strong and scary. I always thought Frankenstein was a symbol of these guys picking on smaller defenceless kids being killed by something much larger and stronger than them
