MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > i don't find clowns scary :(

i don't find clowns scary :(

i never saw the original movie, maybe thats why? i never found clowns scary lol...


Well if you like to eat a at McDonald's you should find Ronald scary. That guy has killed more people with his food than penny wise lol.



Clowns that don't necessarily put on the whole make up and stuff but still run amok can be frightening as well, though. Haha.

And yes, the original IT is responsible for many having developed a fear of clowns, although there's some out there that claim they never found Pennywise scary even as kids. So who knows how it would have affected you. I personally find Curry's performance chilling.


I didn't see the original until I was older and so I think this is why I"m not afraid of clowns. I know my ex bf and sister both saw it when it came out and they are both afraid of clowns.. so yeah there might be something to it . lol


Clowns in general just creep me out.


Ever see American Horror Story:Freak Show? That clown is the scariest, I think.


No, I haven't seen that show. Thanks for warning me! 😮


For those that have read the book it looks like the new penny wise kind of looks like how he is described in the book. At some point in the book someone is thinking of penny wise resembling a cross between Bozo and Ronald McDonald. I have not got a long look at the new penny wise from the trailers but he kind of fits this. At least close enough.


I don't find clowns scary but for some reason don't they annoy you to the point that you instinctivly get hostile when you see them. Its like "F*ck off already!!!". Like you want to punch them in the face or something.


no; you need to seek professional help


Clowns aren't scary.
People who find them scary must have a mental disorder.


The "mental disorder" thing is wildly inaccurate and just an opinion stated as fact. Adults seem to have a hard time distinguishing their opinions from concrete verifiable fact.

That aside, I agree that there isn't much reason to fear clowns. They're like the happiest, most jovial people.


I don't either. I was actually friends with the old Bozo, but after watching this movie for the first time a few minutes ago as a 32 yr old adult, I can certainly understand why they would terrify me if I saw this as a child.


When I was a kid, I remember finding clowns funny.

I can see why there'd scare some people though, especially kids. With the exaggerated face paint hiding their actual features.


Yeah, I kind of find clowns ridiculous and over the top. Hard to be scared of something when it makes you laugh with it, or in my case at it.

I’m more scared dolls, they’re creepy as fcuk.


I never saw it either, but I find clowns to be creepy. Likewise babydolls. People have been creeped out by clowns long before It came out.
