MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > Loud? Yes. Scary? Ehh...What a wasted op...

Loud? Yes. Scary? Ehh...What a wasted opportunity -mild spoilers-

Had some nice set design and visuals, the kid actors were pretty solid. And then they decided to drop a couple jumpscares every five minutes? It got comical at a few points, they even played the same jumpscare noise as IT was defeated and falling down a well. The camera is just showing him drift away and whisper "Fear..." and then it plays a jumpscare noise. WHAT? Nothing surprising even happened. Was the editor trying to ruin the movie?

I was looking forward to this and there were maybe 2 scenes that actually managed to come across as eerie. The rest was so rushed and forced and felt a lot like newer generic horror movies. I was really expecting them to try to create some truly creepy scenarios that weren't just "Kid hears noise, investigates, loud jump scare, runs away"

And you know that cliche where they do a fake out, and then right as the person sighs and thinks theyre safe, theres a jumpscare right then? They do that like 15 times.

If you like jumpscares I'm sure you will enjoy this movie, and I don't mean to imply you're wrong if you like that. It has a lot of redeeming qualities aside from the jumpscares so that will compliment it nicely. If you wanted something a little more "high brow", if you will, be warned.


Very well said. Personally for me wayyy to many jump scares. I found it boring and too predictable. I think i'll stick w/ the book instead. Kudos to the kids and Skarsgard though.I'm glad there is someone that detected this as well.


The problem was that every single jump scare was given away in the trailer. The only one that wasn't (the projection scene) actually made me jump. Future audiences will have the benefit of not having seen the trailer before the movie, which should make all those scenes much more effective.


The kids were great. Bill Skarsgard was great as Pennywise. I loved the cinematography for the most part. CGI was so-so and kind of ruined the mood for the scary parts.

I really can't put my finger on it. I just feel that the movie didn't "gel"

6.5 out of 10 for me


There may be a lot of jump scares in the film....But it does not rely on them.
And not every loud noise is a "jump scare"
There were plenty of effective scenes that didn't rely on jump scares.
And if you are expecting to feel fear from watching a horror film then of course you will be disappointed...

Honestly, name some films that have actually scared you as an adult.....

I thought this was a great film and not because I thought it was scary.
I liked the chemistry between the characters, the story was well told and faithful to the book.
Pennywise was creepy and effective in his scenes.
The atmosphere and music in the film was all very good.
I mean, other than there being jump scares, I have no idea what people's fuckin problem was with the film lol.
But you can't please everyone I guess...

"I was really expecting them to try to create some truly creepy scenarios that weren't just "Kid hears noise, investigates, loud jump scare, runs away"

It's unfortunate that you saw it this way.....But that's pretty much how it is in the book.
Why don't you give us some of your ideas on how this could of been done in a better way..


Name one scene in the movie where the score was not extremely overpowering while it was trying to scare you. Even the scene where Ben was reading in the library and came across some creepy pictures, the music was just blaringly loud. Really? A scene with someone reading a book needed to be that in your face?

If you suddenly change the camera angle to something that is supposed to be creepy, and accompany it with a loud clanging spook noise (whatever the fuck you wanna call that noise), it's a jumpscare attempt in my book. Look at a movie like The Thing. A near perfect horror movie which not once tries to startle you with some loud noise because the content wasn't unsettling enough.

I also enjoyed most of the character chemistry. Not all of it but I wasn't expecting perfection. I thought I was going to really cringe during the Pennywise scenes but Skarsgard did a pretty good job.

I don't want to get into all the ways I would've made the movie, my main gripe was the score. I saw Red Letter Media had the same thoughts about that department so I know I wasn't imagining it. Even the youngsters sitting next to me were complaining about how loud it was.


Loud music is not jump scares, man lol.
Your book is wrong.
Fair enough if you had an issue with the score but the score, loud or not is not jump scares.
I can name you several scenes without jump scares.
The scene where Eddie see's Pennywise for the first time, the scene where he comes out of the fridge, the scene where Pennywise opens up its face to Beverly.
Best scenes in the film, no jump scares.
Again, loud music is not jump scares.

The film The Witch relied on loud music to be effective also and that was a great film too.

Look, I am not claiming this film is scary. Think I already said that horror films don't scare me as an adult.
So, I literally never watch a film expecting to feel any kind of fear, I watch them solely for entertainment.
For me this was a 10/10 for entertainment.
I cannot think of a modern horror film that I enjoyed more.
Other than some poor CGI in some parts, I had zero complaints.


I didn't say "loud music". I said a sudden change in the camera, suddenly fixing on something "creepy" and accompanying it with a super loud noise. Not just "loud music". My book is wrong? Lol whatever you say man.


Yup, your book is full of lies lol.

"I didn't say "loud music". I said a sudden change in the camera, suddenly fixing on something "creepy" and accompanying it with a super loud noise."

Yeah, a lot of horror films do that. And again, there were plenty of scenes in the film that didn't do this. (I already named them)

(Again) Why don't you name from modern horror films that you do think are scary and/or great..
