MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > ( Spoilers ) The kids floating down ?

( Spoilers ) The kids floating down ?

So near the end when the kids start to float down in pennywises lair ... what happens to them ?

I was kinda thinking , oh there all still perhaps gona still be alive once they come down .

But okay obviously not but even though , still kinda left wondering what happened when they all floated down ?


Doesn't matter. This movie abandoned all rules and became nothing more than a crude parade of exhibits made by visual effects artists. Symbolically, you could interpret the dead kids floating around the pile of trash as an allegory for the braindead audiences who are deluded into believing this heap-of-trash movie is good.


Your taste sucks.


This movie had the scare factor equivalent of the Goosebumps series in the 90s. Everyone has their own taste. I respect that. But this movie was nothing but bread and sugar and being sold as if it's a real cake. The horror lost its flavor as quick as a cheap stick of gum does. The scenes were knitted together like a tacky quilt. Here's the formula: Introduce a scary set. Have the kid walk right up to it even though he's obviously scared. Have a CGI clown monster thing that isn't very scary but just obnoxiously makes a bunch of noise and has seizure-like activity. Then it goes away. Richie makes a dick joke. Cut to the next scene. Rinse and repeat.

I didn't care that the kids were scared. Many times throughout the movie i felt like they were playing pretend. It was just... boring. I can't see why people are treating it like a masterpiece.


It really is your loss, buddy lol.


Yes it is... Or maybe you just have to be a virgin in order to see why this movie is valid. 😜


That might make sense but I'm 31 and haven't been a virgin for a long time.....So, I guess not.


Don't feed the trolls, friend. :-)


Oh, them sweet tears...

It cracks me up whenever someone dislikes a movie so much that they need to, excuse my Francais, whine about it like a little bitch any chance they get and then resort to insults. All for constructive criticism, but your burning hate is amusing and pathetic. Good this movie wasted your precious time, haha. Good.


Awww, does little ScoreKeeper prefer the miniseries? Bless him.


The miniseries definitely had a huge amount of flaws, but the new version did not compensate for them. And honestly, if it weren't for the miniseries, i don't believe the new version would have had the amount of marketing leverage as it had.

And as for whining about it... yeah, so what? I'm just as sorry that people found this picture satisfying as they are sorry for me for disliking it. I really wanted to enjoy this film. Sincerely. I'm not wanting to force to change someone's opinion, but i'll give my two cents to at least help them understand my conviction. Part of discussing art is taking a critical view on things and being honest about your reactions to it. I agree to disagree with you and the majority of people who saw this movie, but I still stand by my opinions.

P.S. I didn't mean to assume anyone is a virgin for liking this film. That was a tongue-in-cheek comment that referenced the line in the movie when Richie says something to the same measure to his friends. So cheers mate. Let's be happy we each have our own perspectives.


I have to admit, I'm shocked by the polarising reviews for this movie, especially on IMDb, where more users seem to hate the movie than love it, according to the user review section. Yet the rating is very high. I can only imagine that those who hated this movie prefer the book or even the miniseries, I really ought to do research on that.


I don't compare this movie to the book too much. The book is just too big to squeeze all it's goodies into a feature film, albeit, two feature films. Same goes for the miniseries. As for comparing the new movie with the miniseries, it's not like i prefer one over the other. I believe a movie should just be able to stand on its own feet. The challenge in making IT a screen adaptation is knowing which elements to include in order to execute both the fear and heart that is themed throughout the original source material. I just couldn't suspend my disbelief when it came to the horror scenes in the new movie. It felt too.... staged.

As for the heart, the new movie obviously did well. But mainly for Bill's character and his relationship with Georgie. Maybe for Bev as well. I do prefer Seth Green's Richie more than the Stranger Things' kid. Although he did make me laugh, i felt he just came off as purely annoying. Minus the hilarious crass humor, his acting was equivalent to what you would find on a Disney Channel movie. The kid who played Ben nailed his role. Mike's character was decent, but the lack of his screen time amputated what I believe was a major key to the story. And Stan, well, he was the token Jew. I won't feel upset when he kills himself in the next movie because I really never got to know him on a deeper level than, he's the Jewish friend.

Bottom line, this story really just needs a whole netflix series.


Just a thought but they are in fact dead but will now be able to be found providing closure for their families.


Yeah good thought there mate .... infact in part 2 we will prob find out what happened to the kids after they floated down


Yeah, left that part out of the movie, like they were just props for the scene. " ok and wrap "!
It's a disjointed movie pretending to be art.
