MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > Very uncomfortable scene

Very uncomfortable scene

I went to the opening week in my town and i thought it was a very good movie, there is few scene that made me uncomfortable, of course one of them is the way Bev's dad looks, talks and touches her, I felt like killing the bastard. The other scene is the way the pharmacist looks at Beverly, what a creepy horrible person.


I agree minus the death threats.


I was going to ask which was creepier, the clown or the dad. Every adult in this thing is a dastardly person except maybe the mom playing the piano.


i wish no ill will towards the actor playing that part


There is nothing wrong with an adult playing along with the flirtations of a teenager. But there's something wrong when you go beyond that indeed. The pharmacist was a not so good looking guy in his forties/fifties who probably hasn't had much luck with the ladies. What's wrong with him being a little flattered and love hungry? Does not mean he'll touch the girl!

maybe that's why we are able to let girls walk home at night in Europe. Much more relaxed here.


So relaxed they are being groomed.


Wow ...

No, just no!!


I’m in Europe and I wouldn’t let my daughter walk alone at night, no chance.
I can see a fifty years old man flattered by a 20-25 years old, but flirting with a 11/12 years old girl is just wrong.


I wrote 'playing along'. Not initiate flirting.


I can see how the pharmacist complimenting Beverly back would make some people feel uneasy. To my mind, though, there was no harm in him feeling flattered by her and perhaps finding her cute. His overall behavior didn’t scream horrible human being. Not everyone will see it the same way, but imo this one scene was meant to be more innocent than creepy.

Beverly's father was undoubtedly a different story. He was rotten to the core.



Come on - it was 100% intended to be creepy by the writers.

She says; you look like superman.
He says; you look like Lois Lane.

That’s saying; superman + Lois Lane = a pair.

(I don’t think it was supposed to mean the actress looks like Amy Adams at all.)

Every adult in the IT universe has been fooked up by IT since they were kids - so they are all twisted in some way.


That’s one way to look at it. Fair point.

And frankly, I doubt they wrote the Lois Lane line specifically because they saw a resemblance between Sophia and Amy Adams (the actor playing the pharmacist does look like an older Christopher Reeves though, so there’s gotta be something to it). However, I still find that part somewhat amusing seeing how the young actress does resemble Amy (to me).


For me the fat boy's breasts were uncomfortable to look at.


Why else do you think Henry (the knife-wielding bully) calls him "Tits"?


The dad and the homicidal kid were the scariest part of the whole movie! The clown was nothing compared to them. 😧


You read the book too right? Patrick is so much creepier in the book and disappointed they did not work in a childhood flashback to at least insinuate what he did to his brother. In the book there was something so creepy about the scene with him and his mom shortly before she discovers what happened to her son. The scene with him and his mom at the kitchen table was creepy because it was so normal and she was such a normal seeming and loving mom with a bad seed child. Maybe in the next movie they could in some way work in this backstory. But because it would be such a fantastic idea I doubt it will happen.


You do know that Bevs father was possessed by Pennywise right? thats why he acted the way he did.


All the time? How did that work when he only emerges for a year? And I think they put that scene in to show that
Bev is not innocent and knows how to play the perverts out there


I am very curious how the future will play out for her and I think it will be a darker version than both the original movie and even the book. Would not be surprised if Beverly went through some major tough stuff and was connected to crime before she gets her act together in whatever success they write for her. This character has been one so far that has had to live to survive and she killed her dad to survive. I strongly suspect she will have to do more things to survive. People with that mentality sometimes lose their way in life. Wonder if they will keep her connected to fashion or if she will have a different career.


cause its explained in the book....Pennywise is only out to feed every 27 years but he can still use supernatural force, like he did in the bathroom with the blood, the screen in the garage and possess people and so on.
