MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > I love Eddie Kaspbrak

I love Eddie Kaspbrak

I loved all his scenes in the book, miniseries and now this movie, as he is my favourite of the Losers, because of his vulnerability and because I like the actors portraying him.

The Leper scene was scary as fuck because of his fear of infection, but I think the scene he was actually in danger of being eaten by IT was when they were in the Well House and IT scared him with the Leper once again and he fell through the hole in the floor and broke his arm, then lost consciousness. IT could've had him there and then, but it was too busy with Richie and Bill upstairs, so he was lucky.

I also liked the following scene where they reset his arm and he's raging at them not to do it, but they do anyway. The emoting in the actor was awesome. Same when he stands up to his mother, and in the final fight when he's raging again and itching for a fight with Pennywise, and that's after he's been sprayed in the face with the black gunk by the Pennywise Leper and he yells "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!" before kicking Pennywise in the head.

He may be vulnerable, especially with his arm in a cast, but he certainly has courage!

EDIT: Come to think of it, he was awesome in the miniseries as well, inflicting damage to Pennywise with his inhaler, yelling "This is battery acid, you slime!", and Pennywise believed him.


I actually hated Eddie in both the book, and the miniseries, but in the new movie he's my favorite character. Just goes to show how talented Jack Dylan Grazer is if he managed to turn my least favorite character into my favorite.


Why did you hate him in the book and mini series. Please don't tell me you hated him because you thought he was wimpy because the character was delicate and weak. Yeah I get in the novel especially he was a hypochondriac.


Grear character, and great performance.

I wouldn’t necessarily disagree with those thinking that Sophia (Bev) was the best of the Losers Club in terms of performance (all the kids nailed their roles for my money). But Jack Dylan Graze himself could not have been more perfect as Eddie.

His character’s vulnerability, paranoia, and eventual bravery he shows is believable and absolutely awesome to see. JDG made this a shining role.


100% agree ! Eddie was perfectly cast (Although this can be said for all the loosers) . What I liked about Jack Dylan Graze performance was how natural it felt.As an example that scene when they are riding their bikes and he speaks about the aids virus and how you can get it from eating candies etc.. it really did not sound scripted at all. I also love the way Eddy speaks so fast and nervously, you can really tell that the actor made his homework in regards to the type of Kid Eddy was. A lot of people are praising Finn Wolfhard, and he his good too but in my opinion Jack Dylan Graze was the real stand out because Finn had the advantage of having all the best one liners but Jack took a character that in the hands of any other actors could have been bland (Like Eddy in the TV show) and turned him into one of the most memorable characters in the film.
