MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > Best horror movie in decades

Best horror movie in decades

Pure Stephen King.

The box office numbers are nuts. Took another 8 mil on monday. Looks like it has legs.


It's really good, but definitely not the best horror movie in decades. Maybe one of the best mainstream American horror movies in decades, but that's it.


Post some examples of better horror movies from the last two decades so i can have a laugh


"so i can have a laugh"

You're a bit of a douche, aren't you?

I Saw the Devil
It Follows
The Babadook
The Others
The Descent
Let the Right One In
The Girl Next Door
Eden Lake
Session 9
Shutter (2004)
The Eye (2002)
Pulse (2001)
A Tale of Two Sisters
Noroi: The Curse
13: Game of Death
The Children
Paranormal Activity


ive seen

the others (10/10)
it follows (7/10)
the babadook (7/10)
the descent (7/10)
let the right one in (9/10)
paranormal activity (9.5/10)

none of those are outright better than IT imo, and its safe to assume the same is true of the rest of your list. Thanks for the laugh though.


"and its safe to assume the same is true of the rest of your list"

That's a really moronic thing to say about movies you haven't seen.

Also, for someone who watches "shit tons of horror movies" you sure don't seem to know much about foreign horror movies.


Foreign people don't make many good movies.


Yeah I can't stand those foreign people! They ain't regular! I've got to read the words myself? What should I quit my job!?


How do you know? You don't watch them, idiot.


lets be honest; almost all foreign movies are utter garbage


Let's be honest, you're a moron.


LMAO it's true, you are an absolute simpleton!


"Foreign people don't make many good movies."

This is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read.

If you truly think that, then I suggest you start watching more foreign language films, horror or not.

Start with "The Skin I Live In"


"Thanks for the laugh though"

Why do you have to tack on those douchey statements, try to be at least mildly respectful of others opinions.


Very good list Nicko!!
Seen over half of them
You have good taste;)


Thank you. [cheers]


I've seen every single film on that list and I think IT 2017 is better that all of them, sorry lol.


I've barely seen any of those in your list, but it's nice to see some love for The Others! That was so good. I feel it's very under appreciated.


I don't think the OP watches lots of horror movies. This movie is a 6 or 7 at best. It wasn't scary at all. I still enjoyed the relationship between the kids. Also, box office means nothing, because there were lots of dummies in my theater who probably can't spell the word "IT".


I watch shit tons of horror movies. The only ones ive enjoyed these past two decades would be the first Conjuring, the first Paranormal Activity, and a couple low budget indie movies. Most of my other favorites date from way back; exorcist, misery, nightmare on elm street.

No movies are truly scary to me, but the horror scenes in IT were awesome and fun. IT didnt scare you. What does scare you? You actually feel actual fear while watching certain movies? Do you wet the bed too?


"Do you wet the bed too?"

Yep you're most definitely a douche.


bragging that "it wasnt scary at all" is fake tough guy act. To any alpha male with normal testosterone levels, no movie is ever truly "scary". Also, he presumed that i dont watch a lot of horror movies. He took the gloves off first, so i wrecked him.


Are you implying that you're an alpha male? Thanks for the laugh. That explains why you feel the need to come on the Internet and tell everyone IT is The greatest thing ever, when there are plenty of better horror movies. Obviously you're a teenager so I'm not going to bother arguing with you, reading through your comments you've contradicted yourself about seven times, fucking morons of these days I swear...


i didnt read any of that drivel, but i hope you feel better now


He's right you contradict yourself a lot.


madnesssss agreed with you.
And the only ones here who come across as teenagers are the one's bragging about how IT didn't scare them....
Guess what, IT didn't scare me either, I'm 31 and I've not been scared by a film since I were a child lol.....But IT was a masterful horror film. The best I've seen in about 10 years and trust me, I have seen most horror films.


Yes you did and we all know it...silly little lamb


It's not bragging. I really wanted to be scared, I love the plot of IT. This movie just didn't scare me at all and left me shaking my head. I was more on edge in traffic on the way to the theater than I was at any point in the movie.


I am into more psychological horror movies, but also enjoy some of the movies you mentioned. Nightmare on Elm Street did scare me. I was also scared by the original Evil Dead movie.


low T


Oh I am certainly wrecked. I may not recover.


With all the debates of this "It" not being faithful enough, scary enough (or at all), impressive enough, and this and that (typical reactions on the good ol' internet), all I can say is... this is a fantastic film regardless. Even though this adaptation took its liberties, on the whole it does stay true to King's book. But that argument aside, this is a supremely well-made film with top-notch performances and a great tone that feels like pure Stephen King (the man himself enthusiastically gave it his approval... what up?!). Skarsgard as Pennywise, of course, gives a true horror performance that will stay ingrained in plenty of viewers' minds for years to come. That's right. So in a word, yeah, it's pretty good to me.

P.S. "Foreign" filmmakers rule.


I thought the characters were good, but that the horror parts didn't make much sense. But that might be a problem of the source material as I never read the book or saw the mini-series.


The book is one of King's best. Neither the 1990 TV version nor the 2017 movie do it justice.


While the 2017 film was way better in some ways than the 1990 miniseries. I do agree that a lot of the horror elements were lost in both the miniseries and the theatrical adaptation. Like Henry Bowers was a pretty psychotic bully in the novel. The 2017 movie makes him out to be a tragic villain. The 1990 miniseries portrayed him a lot closer to the novel than the 2017 version. The worst Henry does in the new adaptation is carve his knife into Ben's stomach and maybe attack Mike, right before the rock fight. Everything else makes him look sympathetic. Also the miniseries still has the 50s vibe to it, especially for taking place in 1960, while the second part has an 80s vibe to it, for being made and set in 1990. The late 80s vibe kinda kills the mood, but I can understand why the changed it from the 50s and 80s to the 80s and 2010s, because of the current generation of moviegoers.

Had this movie been remade around 2003-2007, they probably would've kept the original 50s and 80s settings. But at least the 1990 miniseries was close enough.


My first shit of the morning is more scarier than this film !


You need to change your diet.


shIT, get IT?


Yea it's really exciting to see this do so well.



5 out of 10.
It was okay. If this is the best horror movie you have seen in decades, then start checking out some top 10 lists. Try a serbian film first, seems like the right movie for you.


More like a 6.5 or 7 out of 10. I mean a 5 is a bit underwhelming but in no way does this film deserve a 9 or a perfect 10.


Well yea a 6.5 would be alright, movie had good production values and didnt bore me, all opinions anyways. It just did not scare me. Not even once. As a thriller it seemed alright, but I was watching it to watch a horror movie.
I just feel they couldve done better, it's a remake of basicly the same movie of a Stephen King book, it's not like they had to actually think of a story.
