MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > Feel free to SPOIL this movie for me ( W...

Feel free to SPOIL this movie for me ( Warning SPOILERS )

give as much plot detail as you want. thanks


Really nothing to spoil. Every scary scene is exposed in the trailers.


no one willing to spoil this ??? come on


It was reasonably faithful to the book, just covering the kid side of the plotline and leaving out the smokehole, turtle, and, ritual of Chud, and the major sex scene. The Wikipedia entry is fairly detailed and would do a better job than my patchy memory (which is kinda sad since it's only been a week since I saw it).


thank you


There really isn't much to spoil since the kids grow up to become adults and then have a second battle with Pennywise/IT as adults. So all the kids survive and defeat Pennywise/IT. Well, temporarily. They kind of "wound" him and then he flees and goes into hiding/hibernation for another 27 years. All the major spoilers won't happen until the second half/sequel. If you were watching a movie like Titanic, consider this movie everything that happened before the Titanic hits the iceberg. The whole sinking portion of the Titanic is what the IT sequel will be.


