MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > The mini series was laughable!

The mini series was laughable!

Even before this vastly superior adaptation came out. Notice how I said adaptation and not remake. This isn't a remake people, it's an adaptation.


you must be new to movies


I like the mini-series for what it is. Unimpressive in many ways but Curry is incredible and simply iconic as Pennywise.

That said, seeing how many people hold the mini-series in such high regard and yet criticize the 2017 adaption to no end, I'm gonna have to say the OP is right on the money. And considering this IT only covers half the book and yet manages to feel like an honest adaption of King's novel (while delivering impressive performances, cinematography, visuals, direction, etc), it truly puts the 1990 version to shame. 😀


Tim Curry was great, I'll give you that.


A TV-movie from 27 years ago was cheesy? What?!
