just garbage

there was a phase where horror movie remakes were theatrically released around the 2003-2005 mark that all sucked and continued to suck until around 2010 where they started incorporating new ideas into iconic horror films. They weren't remakes, kinda like '21 jump street' wasn't a replica of the tv show. I'm ok with that. Not all were great, but they were watchable.

This was just poopy fart cheese. This is below the 2003 horror crappy fart remake level and is by far one of the worst remakes in general that I have ever scene. Sure, all of these cats like Carpenter want to get paid with production credits, but did someone hold a gun to King's head to authorize this? I won't even break this film down as to why it sucked, but the most annoying part was Skarsgard trying to disguise his Swedish accent with an Irish or Romanian one. First time that I have walked out of a movie since American Hustle (third overall). Poopy review from the doo doo.


"worst remakes in general that I have ever scene" way punny


You sound like a retarded teenager.
Who the fuck calls them self "doodoopeepee" ??
You freak.

"I won't even break this film down as to why it sucked"

That is because you have absolutely no idea how it "sucked" you complete fool lol.

This film was great. It was simply too good for brain dead morons like you. Deal with it.


Oh, I'm so hurt. You must not watch horror too often.


30 years old, been watching horror films avidly for most of my life.
You lose, sir.
My favourite horror films include The Exorcist, Rosemary's Baby, The Lost Boys, The Omen....
Again, you have no idea why you thought this film sucked.....
It didn't. You didn't enjoy it and I don't judge you for that but when you say thing like;
"This was just poopy fart cheese"

You don't sound like a moron....You sound completely retarded.
I mean seriously, is there a name for the condition you suffer from?


Guess you're my little horror movie wiz and what you say goes. Lol. The real horror community wont buy this crap.


LOL who are the REAL horror community exactly, my friend?



Um, it's called an opinion, kid.

You can't just say "Nah, it wasn't great" as if you are correcting me on something lol!
I thought it was great....A lot of people did.
You don't have to agree but the OP is a complete retard.

There is a good reason why it is the highest rated horror film on IMDB for years.
Why don't you name me some modern horror films that you think are great?




"There is a good reason why it is the highest rated horror film on IMDB for years."
It is highly rated on imdb just because very highly hyped: A remake of a popular movie based on one of the most famous novels by one of the most acclaimed horror writers.


It is not a remake.
No, it is highly rated because of the simple fact that most people liked the film.
Get your head out of your ass, FFS.


Who will be outnumbered by those who dislike it, wait for the 7.9 to drop


It probably will drop, since horror films very rarely stay rated above a 7.
But the fact is most people like the film. Deal with it.


I agree with membrane29 . Some people who dislike a movie really just want to make it look like because they hated it it is a bad film no matter what. I respect the ones who disliked the film but to say that the reason why it is one of the highest grossing movies of all time is just because people liked the book so much is a bit silly. The Dark Towers is an extremely loved series of books by Stephen King and the film version flopped big time! I loved it like many others and you hated it like many others, there is no right or wrong BUT it is impossible to deny that A LOT of people loved it!


Olivergbyrne Exactly, it's like these people are just not secure enough to accept the fact that they are in the minority.
Seeing everyone raving about a film that they didn't personally enjoy seems to really get to them to the point that they have to convince themselves that everyone else is crazy.


I know right? There are a few films I did not like that were huge hit, I am secure enough to say I was one of the few that did not like them and I would give my reasons, I will sometimes have civil conversations with people who did like them and will leave it at that but some people just do not want to accept they disliked a very popular film.. If I did the same for every popular films I disliked I would be tiered from fighting with people on here lol I personally geniunely like reading people's reasons for not liking a film I enjoyed but I am not crazy about people who just goes on and on that the fact they did not like a film means it is a terrible film and start insulting it like a man would insult a cheating girl friend.
