MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > Not good story telling

Not good story telling

It is essentially a string of Pennywise creaps, and not much else. If we had no knowledge of the story before hand, I think we all would be much less forgiving.


* They find a shoe belonging to one of the latest missing kids in the sewage, and makes a joke and then tells no one about it.

* The small town is experiencing an insane amount of missing children, and near no apparent attention from the authorities except for one example where a mother is waiting outside their school with the Police (which also makes little sense).

* They beat the Clown in his place of refuge... filled with evidence of all the missing kids etc and (I believe) tells no one

* Stay together and then do not on every occasion.... classic horror, I know, but imo it was not delivered very well here... I mean on every turn in the sewage they just walk off one by one, when they knew what they were up against.

Yet, I liked it. But I liked it because we got quite a bit of Pennywise and even a better glimpse of what IT is... but if I step back a bit, then the overall storytelling was not good enough.


You seem

Your first point, I can't refute but it's not a big deal is it? Come on, man.

"* The small town is experiencing an insane amount of missing children, and near no apparent attention from the authorities except for one example where a mother is waiting outside their school with the Police (which also makes little sense)."

How do we know there are not police/detectives investigating this?
This isn't a murder mystery movie. There's no reason we can't assume police are looking in to it.

"* They beat the Clown in his place of refuge... filled with evidence of all the missing kids etc and (I believe) tells no one"

You mean at the very end of the film? Who knows who they tell, the film ends after that lol.
I did think to myself "so there is just a big pile of dead kids in the sewer now?" But then maybe that will be explained in the sequel.

"* Stay together and then do not on every occasion.... classic horror, I know, but imo it was not delivered very well here... I mean on every turn in the sewage they just walk off one by one, when they knew what they were up against."

Only once, Stan gets separated from the others in sewer, just like in the book and in the original mini series. Bill also runs off to chase Georgie but again, no big deal he is just a kid.
People do dumb stuff all the time in real life, it is not a flaw in the film.

You really love to pick apart films don't you? lol
I'll give you, that you had some pretty good points with War for the Planet of the Apes.
It's fair enough if you think the writing wasn't great but you don't make very good points on this one, sorry.


You seem

Your first point, I can't refute but it's not a big deal is it? Come on, man.

My biff is that I was disappointed in the story telling and this made the movie less believable to me, which quickly took me on to the roller-coaster of mostly just waiting for the next jump scare. And I think this is a shame. From this one scene the kids lost a lot of believability to me. No one in their right mind would ask and say this under such situations – remember, this is before Pennywise the magic creature is what they hunt. At this point they hunt a kidnapper and they find irrefutable evidence for a freshly kidnapped kid and jokes about it and does nothing. So easy to fix and yet the story teller did not. I think it is a symptom of a big deal as it sets the foundation for children’s credibility (or lack off) up for the rest of the story…

How do we know there are not police/detectives investigating this?
This isn't a murder mystery movie. There's no reason we can't assume police are looking in to it.

This is my point. How do we know? We do not. Nothing (or almost nothing) in the telling of this story puts any light on it – beside posters next to missing pets - it seems to be insignificant events above sad parents. In fact, it would be easy to have a bit more police activity, or even city community action in the background etc and the whole setting (and story) would gain points in believability. Except all the city life we see and experience seem more or less unaffected. Again, no biggy. But not good story telling either…. It is a murder mystery though, albeit also much more.

You mean at the very end of the film? Who knows who they tell, the film ends after that lol.
I did think to myself "so there is just a big pile of dead kids in the sewer now?" But then maybe that will be explained in the sequel.

Yes, this is what I mean. And I agree; we do not know this, which is why I wrote “I believe” so. As I know the story the existence of Pennywise is unknown to everyone except the children, and so this huge pile of evidence cannot be shared for this reason and sadly seem to fit the children’s tendency to not tell the authorities. However, perhaps the second chapter deals with this. I doubt it.

Only once, Stan gets separated from the others in sewer, just like in the book and in the original mini series. Bill also runs off to chase Georgie but again, no big deal he is just a kid.
People do dumb stuff all the time in real life, it is not a flaw in the film.

Not only in the sewer. Also in the house. This is classic horror as I say, and we sort of expect it to happen in movies like this. But take a look again, and tell me if the way it is handled is good story telling? The TV movie did this part much better. Okay, I am nitpicking on this one, I will give you that… but as I was sitting in the cinema darkness, I did almost scream; "come on, man…"

You really love to pick apart films don't you? lol
I'll give you, that you had some pretty good points with War for the Planet of the Apes.
It's fair enough if you think the writing wasn't great but you don't make very good points on this one, sorry.

I love movies. I love to understand and deconstruct movies. And when they disappoint me, I like to discuss it. Like we do now. I am not set in stone, I write the post to share my experience and learn in the process. Thank you for playing with me:).

Since we all know the story and I suppose mostly wanted to see Pennywise again, then yes indeed, no big deal in my points above. But I think we should expect a bit more from our movies.

I liked it but when I left the theater I felt like something was missing. And essentially, I think, it was the story telling aspect, which lost a bit of beauty from the story we know from the book. It just was not done as good as IT deserved. Unlike in "War for Planet of The Apes", it is though not too clear to me which points I disliked… and you called me on it, didn’t you ;)


You make fine points, luckily they just aren't a big deal to me.
At least when I watched the film....I really hope you haven't ruined it for me lol
Seriously though, I think you will find those kinda flaws in most horror movies if you analyze them enough.

You should watch the movie "The Babysitter" on netflix. The amount of flaws in that one may give you a stroke lol.
