MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > After Seeing Kingsman 2

After Seeing Kingsman 2

After watching Kingsman 2, I thought that it would've been okay for IT to stick to the 50's as a setting and not move it to the 80's to connect more with the audience, especially since 80's and also 90's nostalgia is currently trending and stuff.

I actually liked the whole 50's theme/look to Poppy Land, especially the diner. Seeing Poppy Land kind of made me interested in the 50's and getting to know more about it and stuff. And since I saw IT before seeing Kingsman 2, and knowing that IT takes place in the 50's in the novel (when characters are kids), it would've been nice go back and watch IT and see the 50's setting.

Also, I was just a baby when the events of IT 2017 takes place. The only connection I have with the setting is that I was born when the movie starts and when Georgie is killed. I was born in October 1988, which is when the opening scene takes place, although they don't give an exact date, so maybe he dies and movie starts before my DOB. But other than that, I was a baby for the rest of the movie. Anything nostalgic for me comes from the 90's and maybe early 2000's.

Plus I'm someone who doesn't need EVERY movie I watch to be closer to the present or from 1990 to present. Movies can take place in whatever decade they want and can stick to their source material if they are an adaptation of a novel.

I'm fine with them changing IT's setting to the 80's instead of sticking to the 50's though. If Stephen King approves, then I guess I will. But I would've been fine with them sticking to the 50's. Especially after watching Kingsman 2 and being fascinated by the 50's theme in the Poppy Land diner.

Oh, I do like the 80's, by the way. Not bashing the decade. I find the decade fascinating too. I'm just saying if they wanted to stick to the 50's for IT, they could've done it. I'm just using Kingsman 2 as to why they could've stuck to the 50's for IT. It is possible for anyone under 30 to find decades before the 80's interesting/fascinating and want to see movies take place in those decades and not need movies to bump up settings so they can connected better with the setting.
