MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > New kids on the Block

New kids on the Block

That scene with the New Kids on the Block poster is just priceless.


That is my favorite funny moment in “It.”

First time I saw the film and that part came up, I was dying (as we say these days). I started chuckling the moment the poster popped into view, and then after hearing “we’re rough!” - along with seeing Ben & Beverly’s reaction - I was cracking up.

The NKOTB references were handled well.


TO me, they were the original Justin Beiber-and that ain't no compliment...getting in trouble, and then using their "wholesome" act to rationalise it-yes, I know we were not groovy, marvy, Annette Funicello, Patty Duke era anymore, but the group was supposed to conform to bubblegum type wholesomeness, and in my opinion, like, again, Justin Bieber, their bad behaviour in 1990-91 in lubic (brawling, setting a carpet on fire in a hotel) just clashes with that image.Just part face and part my opinion.


Yep, I laughed so loud when that part happened and I didn't even mean too. I was in the theatre and the people a few rows down from me turned and looked at me probably thinking what the hell is wrong with that guy. It's stupid but I suppose that was the idea, just throwing these random comedy moments in when the film is having a serious moment.


I was a total block head as we were called. I loved New Kids. I was thrilled to hear them mentioned in the movie and to see their posters. When I went to see the movie with my son I had him listen to some of their music first so he’d recognize it and get the jokes. I laughed hard and loud too at the New Kids parts.


Never had any interest in this band, until "It." Jordan Knight is such a freakin cutie, lol.


I hope his taste in music still sucks in the sequel with him listening to 1D!
