MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > Garbage movie ....Garbage writing, compl...

Garbage movie ....Garbage writing, completely stupid.

Ok,...let's make a movie about killing CHILDREN.

Let's use a scary clown and use camera cuts to make it look like the kids are on shrooms the whole time.

But don't worry .... I'm only imagining torturing you to death in a sickening manner...... it's just in my mind for now.

Is this entertainment? or an indoctrination video?

Stupid film for stupid people.


Many people found it quite enjoyable and I personally enjoyed the struggle the children went through. It's not really a movie about killing children, what's wrong with you?


"It's not really a movie about killing children" - Oh no it's not??? That isn't the premise???

Are you blind???....oh wait...just indoctrinated, for what passes as entertainment..................child murder.


That's like saying "let's make a movie about sailing" and then filming Pirates of the Carribean.
You're throwing a strawman and ad hominem attacks at one out of thousands of horror movies, and a pretty tame one at that.


Actually NO, prove to what I stated is wrong.

Nothing I have stated is false. It's all true isn't it?

Again, my focus and statement is about this movie in particular. The strawman is claiming the movie is about coming of age for teenagers or clowns.

"It" is about child murder.

Prove that statement false.


i have seen this film in the cinema and i recommend it to children and child predators alike


For the children , "it" will be digested garbage.

For the child predators, "it" will be a delightful documentary.

Oh , I almost forgot, stupid film for stupid people....another true statement.


Your premise is summarized by 2 words that says nothing that would sell simply by itself; I wouldn't even call it a premise - maybe a concept.
"It's a horror movie. It's a movie about friends. It has bullies in it. It's about survival and facing fears."
Well, all those statements are also true.
Anyway, as you know the original idea is from the 80s when King wrote the book and there's been plenty of horror stories before and since involving children.

Just curious, have you actually seen this film?


"Your premise"....again every attempt to prove me inaccurate is far....far off the mark.

That is not my premise, "It" the premise.....of....child murder

It took me a quite a few moments to deconstruct the film. Nonetheless, in the end, distilled and boiled down, that is the primary basis of the movie.

No one so far has proven me wrong.....and I'm quite convinced no one partial to this garbage can....for whatever reasons unbeknownst to me.

If the child killing was separated from the retro 80's coming of age story line, the film would be two vastly different genre's.

One film, essentially a ripoff of the life of vile john gacy....and the other a film in the fashion of Stand by Me (1986).

Of course I've viewed this garbage that is child murder......what on earth, is everyone blind????

How many children were killed in this movie? Ever acknowledge that facet? The problem with slasher films, is well....the stated obvious.

Again, what is the logic of an all powerful, faster, stronger than human, teleporting entity ...defeated by kids with no special weapons???

It's profoundly stupid.


No wonder you can't see past Pennywise's terror - the story of the children and their bond have completely gone over your head. I should've taken that into account earlier, my bad.
But, once again - it's a horror movie. You have the burden of proof, so prove that it's an indoctrination video.


How can this movie be over my head when I said before:

1) It's a ripoff of the actual serial clown killer john gacy. (1978)
"IT" the novel published (1987).....

2) Teen period drama similar to Stand by Me (1986)

Because I have rejected child killing, that..."it's over my head" .....don't think so...quite the contrary ... I see past the entire film and stare into "IT".

And what do I see is the principle essence of the film? (see above)

Now, for horror films...The Blair Witch Project (1999) and Paranormal (2007) comes to mind....big difference in approach eh?

My single principle statement of the film is that it is about - Child murder.

The numerous dead children in the film, the killing georgie, etc...

That simple and reduced statement of fact has not been proven wrong or inaccurate by anyone yet. So.....before I get into the 2nd part of my you agree with the principle statement?


I didn't say the movie went over your head but it seems the story of the children and the bond they form which ultimately leads to the final act's conclusion has. Personally, that is what I enjoyed about the movie; I reject child killing also, thus I cheered for the kids. You already acknowledge it drives the plot for the sake of the film, that's where I leave it - as a movie; as a brief visual experience, a story among many others.
I agree, it feels inspired by other films, just as the original source material was inspired by stories and I don't think there was a need to stray from the source material for the sake of originality.
By all means, carry on with part 2.


Reducing the film to it's technical scenes. There is the vivid portrayal of :

Torture - Carving the skin of another child, frightening the children with intense purpose and cruelty
Murder - killing children as a normal function of a persona,
Mental Illness- The normalcy of abnormal events.
Evil- Idolized appeal

What makes this film different? The 2nd element of this film is the attractive models and set. It creates a reset of the mind to relax and accept the pleasing visuals. Unguarded so to speak.

Viewers are placed back and forth between positive and violent scenes. Cut scenes are driven by force, especially the violent scenes.

By the end, child killing is normalized and is as ubiquitous as a missing child poster. Desensitized to the pain,suffering.... and killing of children.


You sound like one hell of a pussy.


No dumb ass, quite the opposite.

That's how I can see into this abyss of stupidity.


While I agree that people can get desensitized to violence in movies movies over a period of time it also highly individualistic. I mean, I enjoyed the movie but I wasn't watching it for the fact that I was thrilled about the murders. Millions of people have seen this movie, that doesn't mean they all enjoyed it and it doesn't mean they are all stupid and accepting of child murders either. Anything can be picked apart to the very bone by a subjective eye, but it's fallacious to say that it's just about this or that and also how you seem to know how every person who enjoyed it must have reacted to it, and thus being stupid.


The film is very curious psychological wise. There is great effort to the aestheticized violence. The fast cut scenes imprint the imagery at a higher compressed rate. Literally downloading all the images & messages in bursts of violent conditioning.

We can agree that the film medium is very powerful. Just from common sense, we see direct effects. Like when a child watches superman, dons a cape and flys around the house.

What happens when the child watches these violent types of film??? What internalizing is occurring? We know images & ideas take root, it's pitiful what we're doing to ourselves.

Watching interviews of the cast and producers, I get a sense that much effort was put into this film. Skarsgard was so deep in character, it gave him nightmares after the shoot.

All this effort to produce an astounding character and story of child murder. It's quite disgusting really.


""It" is about child murder.

Prove that statement false."

That statement is true. It is a movie about child murder.

What's false is your conclusions from that fact. Perhaps in your mind you feel this movie is pushing you to recreate the acts you saw on the screen. However, normal people don't have that reaction. They see it for what it is - horror.

So please don't project your own opinion and emotions onto others.


Well finally someone has the temerity to state the obvious truth.

What is it with people who overlook the blatant obvious, is it the bright balloon?

Any how, my conclusions maybe false , maybe be true right??? Because no one has evidence to the contrary either. Since I haven't read one reasoned argument against what I've perspective hasn't changed.

Of course I'm open to change my opinion if given sufficient evidence. But claims without evidence....well can also be dismissed without evidence.

Thank you,


Blame it on the original book, Wayne. Maybe you ought to read that to get the full picture.


No, "It" is easily distilled to that of a degenerate story. With a severe lack of logic and reason. "It" is the lowest form of deviance from this type of author.


Commenting like this and thinking you know everything when you haven't even read the source material. How typical. The story has amazing messages of courage and love among many others. I felt inspired during and after my time with it, even giving me the chance to deeply reflect on my own childhood. I can think of some shitty adult characters in the book that you identify with perfectly.


You're another person that's been indoctrinated with the mixed messages. See how it works now? See how "it" is aestheticized child killing?

Lemme guess, it's all about the ADULTS who are the bad guys who don't UNDERSTAND the KIDS....who KNOW EVERYTHING....

And get this...only kids can defeat an evil that's been killing for thousands of years..??? Don't see the problem with that logic? "IT" is a stupid story.

And no....I'm not sweeping the child killing under the rug like the rest of the indoctrinated drones.

I can think of many shitty people on this board who will sweep child killing under the rug. I'm not onboard with that bullsh&t.


All the more reason to cheer for the Losers when they confront It, at great risk to themselves.

It has an influence over the adults of Derry. They know their town has this horrible history to it, and it's so terrible they act like it doesn't happen, even to their own children.

It feeds for a while every 27 years, and hibernates for the rest of the time.

Pennywise is a fictional book, and now movie, monster. Many movie monsters kill children, that's why they're so hated. Do you feel the same way towards Darth Vader? He slaughtered lots of Jedi children.

Insulting us will not help your case, you know.


The logic of the monster is .....there really is none. "IT" drives the story, the universe of this film. Without a child murdering clown, there is no movie. Here are it's powers:
Super human Strength
Shape shifting
Mind reading

There is no defeating this type of entity. And yet, a bunch of kids defeat it handily??? Hundreds of years of experience and all these powers , can't beat a few kids? gacy didn't have any powers and was never defeated by a kid,

For the star wars series, vader's killings were off screen and implied. Compare that to Georgies death. One is still sci-fi film and one is for sure , a slasher film.

My case is based on my observation and the logic behind it , and so far, my insults are proving also true.

If I offended you, I apologize....but in no way am I with drawing any criticism of the film and it's fans.


Waynesky, you really need to know the book's plot, and if you don't want to read it (it IS a huge read, after all), then here's a summary:

Pennywise attacks the Losers as children and is able to kill a few other children in the town, but after It is defeated by them (and not by a simple straight-up fight with blunt instruments as in the film, it is more of a battle of wills in the book) it vows revenge, and when the Losers return as adults, it REALLY goes to town on them, every chance it gets. And It does go after other adults, too, so children are not the only target, but they are much easier to frighten.


ok, the book goes into great lengths filling out the story lines for each character and other protagonist , antagonist elements.

Ok, adults are murdered along with children in the book.

In regards to this film, the indoctrination begins....when the devotee sweeps child murder under the carpet for other pretenses.

And the child killer is idolized with meticulous infatuation. Quite disturbing when I think about it.


Or the opposite when movies like "Kick-Ass" depict the children doing the killing.


It's a different depiction for sure, children killing adults in a fantasy movie. It occurs in real life also, so much celebration of violence and death.

The worship of death is definitely in our culture and laws, watch your six ....always.


To quote Spinal Tap's manager: "People love death. Death sells".


Well I guess it's just not for you and you should avoid the sequel. But taste in movies and books is subjective and along with many others, I really liked it.


No, let this guy see the sequel, because then the Losers will be adults and maybe he won't be so scathing about it.


Well ok, you really like a movie that sensationalize, and aestheticize child murder....nice.


I'm a big fan of A Nightmare on Elm Street as well.


Didn't do much for me either. I thought the Pennywise character was weak. Still it was moderately entertaining.


The second element of movie , that makes it so the coming of age teen angst drama story. It was good stuff, the kids did a great job acting the scenes of 80's town U.S.A , an entire film could have been made just from this aspect, without the murdering. Most likely would have been a fan favorite like Napoleon Dynamite (2004).

Pennywise, is a stupid plot device. Okay, the thing has been around since the dawn of time??? With a turtle ??? Decides to hangout in a rural town eating humans? Dressed as a clown?

Can communicate by telepathy...but stutters? huh? ok.

Can move faster than any human, but gets hit randomly by a kid? huh? ok.

The more you dig into the clown and pull the threads of the character, the more stupid and nonsensical "it" becomes. As if say aliens from another planet would come to earth.....and be a trucker , drive around the usa????


This movie isn’t about killing children, but what is wrong with a movie about killing children? It’s just, you know, a movie.


From the body count of dead children in the movie, I would say you are wrong. I'm not concerned about a movie. It's indoctrinated fans however


I can understand your first point, but to me it's how you do it. Do not do it gratuitously.


At least we can agree what the premise of this story is and what "It" is portraying.

This movie is just a brightly colored slasher film with young actors. It's overbearingly violent.

Essentially, everyone viewing this film passively/silently agrees with child torture and murder.


You sound like a retard. The fact that you're using a random number of dots ".....", instead of commas confirms it.


if you can't disprove a retards argument or premise.......what does that make YOU????


who said I can't? I just don't have time to waste


I said you can't, because you are calling me a retard......and yet you can't prove me what does that make YOU


I am not calling you a retard, you proved you are one. I am just pointing it out.


You don't have the capacity, I get it, either have a valid argument or go back to cnn comment section. You're definitely a stupid fck.


Well good news for Waynesky. The powers that be in charge of this production have heard about his anonymous, impotent railings on this thread and have decided to scrap the sequel and destroy all copies of this film. It will never be shown again.




Doesn't matter, lemmings will go to "It" part 10 (2027)

Still my criticism doesn't change, garbage film for american garbage consumption.


IT is a coming of age film that is equal parts Steven king , Steven Spielberg and a long big budget episode of Goosebumps.
For preteens to enjoy
