MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > Oh sweet Jesus, why am I watching this?

Oh sweet Jesus, why am I watching this?

There's always a nerdy one.
There's always an asthmatic one.
There's always a fat one.
There's always an undersized runt.
There's always a tomboyish girl.
Then there's always a bossy ballsy kid who faces down whatever they're chasing.

They all run around on bikes and annoy the shit outta me. I hated them in Stand By Me, Goonies, ET, Stranger Things, The Gate, Monster Squad. Hated them all.

So remind me why I am watching this crap? I was hoping it would up the clown factor, or the kill factor. And they did, a little. Maybe I'll enjoy the next installment better. When they're all grown up.


Go away, troll.


So well spoken.


You must be a troll, because why else would you watch that type of stuff and hate it each time? Do you want the kids to be killed or something?


Well I suppose if I did, that would make me a troll. But no. I usually end up watching these movies with friends who like them and I just happen to be there. The reason I don't like them is because, according to the MPAA, there's only so far a horror movie can go in their depiction of horror involving child characters/actors, and I don't like my horror that watered down. It's not a hatred of children. It's just a preference in the movies I do or don't like. Everybody prefers what they like. That doesn't make me a bad guy or troll.

But having said that, I am middle aged, and I am slowly becoming the "get off my lawn" guy.


None of your criticisms make any sense. Up the kill factor? The film is following the body count of the novel.

"There's only so far a horror movie can go in their depiction of horror involving child characters..." Exactly what do you want to see then? The entire premise is a killer clown murdering and tormenting children and teens. Isn't a little boy getting his arm bitten off and dragged into the sewer to his death not extreme enough for you? Are you sure you're not a troll?

Your OP criticism - how many films feature kids being tormented by their dysfunctional parents and a killer clown? But they run around on bikes and annoy the shit out of you so it makes the film generic and crap?


I thought my opinion was quite simple. Hell I thought my opinion was mine. I'm just saying that "horror" movies featuring a main cast of kids - TO ME - tend to have more of a kids horror feel to them. Is that always so? Of course not. That's why it's merely my opinion and not something I stated as fact. Different subgenres of horror appeal to different people. These don't appeal to me. The fact I don't know them reaffirms that I don't WATCH them. These boards are for posting our opinions, are they not? So how does that make me a troll?

Besides, the body count is more fun when the people have it coming. The kids probably don't.

Way to beat a thread to death.


and Jesus replied, “Change the channel”


No ones' forcing you to persevere with it. If you don't like it, don't watch it.

"And what about the sh*t weasels, the ones that blast out the basement door?" - Col. Curtis


LMAO add Stranger Things to the list.


Because you are a whiny, useless moron that is why.


......oh you told me.


Yes, I told you the truth.


