MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > Just had THE weirdest dream about Pennyw...

Just had THE weirdest dream about Pennywise and NAZIS

It was like they made the second movie already, as part of a trilogy, and it was lower budget, they changed the entire cast (although I glimpsed the present cast for just a split second) and more of the boys were wearing glasses, and there was a kind of WW2 Europe setting with Nazis all over the place, and yet the dread of Pennywise appearing was omnipresent. There was some old guy who looked dead but then suddenly got up, like he'd been knocked out. There were also Nazis carrying giant hams and a bunch of them in a corridor wearing watches on their ankles, which is weirdly baffling. I'd swear there was even a courtroom scene, and just before I woke up, cheesy creepy music with Pennywise's hand retreating into a hole in the wall!

I've only just woken up, but I've never recalled a dream with such clarity before!


Dreams are fun, aren't they?


Foebane, it could be the plot of the next game in the Wolfenstein series! 😃
