MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > Pennywise was very inconsistent

Pennywise was very inconsistent

He can go from attacking and dismembering a little boy one moment, but attacking another's face and it not do any damage the next. He doesn't hesitate to come into Beverly's home and take her after she attacks her dad, which seems a strange time to me as she just proved she overcame her fear of her dad, which the clown disguises himself as later on to attempt to frighten her. But in many other instances he's happy to creep up on the kids when they are all alone and let them get away.

The fear aspect serving as somebody's vulnerability seems very inconsistent and poor Georgie probably had the worst luck of anybody.


Pennywise is terrifying the children to "marinade their flesh with fear", or "salting the meat", to eventually make them especially tasty when he finally does chow down on them. However, because a lot of the time he is starving, he sometimes has to make do with quick scares and kills like Patrick which no doubt don't taste as good.


i always wonder why IT would let those losers survive.
even the book has many, many moments where they could've been killed but the creature always lets 'em slide.........

guess they already had a strong aura of being invincible? or weren't deeply scared? idk


What story isn't like this? They all do it. Whatever they need to happen happens for the sake of the story. The 90s Pennywise gets hut by an earring and inhaler for Christ's sake.

That being said, if you are looking for an "in movie" explanation, It's not Superman. It can't truly be killed, but you can destroy it's form. It isn't insanely strong or invulnerable. It can be hurt and rather easily. I think it's all based on it's form. It's only as strong as it's form, which adheres to the laws of nature/the universe.


What was the saying that Native American group used in the sequel? "All living things must abide by the laws of the shape they inhabit"?


Something like that, yeah. He's obviously faster, stronger, and more durable than any known creature on Earth, but it's not Superman.
