MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > So lame and overdone. Miniseries was fa...

So lame and overdone. Miniseries was far better.

My son wanted to watch this when it came out but he only was in 5th grade then and we thought it would be too scary for him. We finally watched it tonight and we spent more time laughing uproariously at Pennywise than either of us did feeling scared.

Pennywise was so overdone and badly acted, with an over-reliance on the 'Kubrick Stare' face. The kids were poorly characterized with only Richie standing out in any way. The whole way through it felt like the filmmakers were saying "Look! This is REAL scary stuff here!" My son called this the 'Try-Hard" horror movie.

Seriously, I have seen any number of cheapo 70s and 80s horror films that outdid this in every way. The only remotely scary thing was that weird doll-faced woman that was attacking Stan Uris. She would have made a much better antagonist than the goofy Pennywise they gave us.

Next week we are going to pick up the 80s miniseries from the five buck bin at WalMart and give it a spin. No CGI or explicit gore or sexuality, but all in all that's a much better version with characters you actually care about.


I used to like the miniseries, but this new adaptation blew it out of the water for me. Now I think it sucks: the miniseries feels so dated, some of the child actors are almost ugly, Tim Curry is hamming it up and acts more like a human, there is a distinct lack of realistic swearing dialogue, which is how most children speak (I know, I did), no violence whatsoever, melodramatic, cheesy and irritating music, and just a general cheap made-for-TV feel, and those shows usually suck. The miniseries is annoying for switching between the children and adults over and over, the adult half of the movie is poor beyond belief with very lame actors, (except one or two) and you cannot seriously say you like the half-assed spider creature at the climax?

As for the movie, the loud musical bursts you get used to, but I really, REALLY love the child cast in this much more, and their sense of friendship is palpable because they are all friends in real-life, thanks to a two-month bonding session. And Skarsgard makes for a more interesting Pennywise, I think.

"The only remotely scary thing was that weird doll-faced woman that was attacking Stan Uris." Go and see Mama, a horror movie by the same director where the title creature looks very similar to the "doll-faced woman".


This movie was just a 2 hour episode of Stranger Things. The mini-series was pretty mediocre, but at least it actually stayed true to the book.


One good thing about both versions is that the child actors stole the show.




I have to agree with you. This movie isn't aging well at all, due to the overtly in your face CGI, and the huge amount jump scares. The 1990 miniseries still holds up pretty well, at least the children's part. Tim Curry as Pennywise is also a delight to watch. I also thought the miniseries felt closer to the novel.


The miniseries is stupid, and frankly, so is the book. The structure reveals that the Losers as kids SURVIVED Pennywise, so where's the sense of threat or suspense?


I thought this was a thousand times better than the mini series.


Agreed. I’m watching the new version now, and all I can think about is how unnatural these child actors are, and how they probably rush off the set to check their phones every time the director calls CUT.


The miniseries sucks, it's just so dated now.


Like your mom.


Way to speak ill of the dead, you faggot.


Way to prove that you’re a bigot, you bigot.


I'm actually not joking, my mother died nine years ago and this guy insulted her, so make of that what you will, admins.


Lol, what a cry baby.


reported, for being a massive prick


Yes, the mini-series was vastly better than the film.

I have tried 4 times to want to like the 2017 film, but I just can't get into it.
