MovieChat Forums > It (2017) Discussion > Who spotted the "cameo" of Tim Curry's P...

Who spotted the "cameo" of Tim Curry's Pennywise?

Obviously spoilers so don't read on if you don't want spoiled!!

Apologies if this is common knowledge, I searched back a bit but couldn't see another thread about it.

In the scene where Richie is the "Clown Room" - full of clown dolls and statues etc. On the wall there are also lots of portraits of different clowns.

In one shot you can see that one of the portraits is the Tim Curry clown from the 1990 miniseries.

I hope you enjoyed this trivia if you didn't already know. If you already knew - please don't hate.


I didn't notice that, I'll have to pay attention on my second viewing. If its true then good find!


How could you NOT notice it? I looked down for a second because I was reaching for the popcorn bucket to get a handful of popcorn, and then when I looked up Tim Curry's Pennywise was right there and pretty much the main focus of the shot.


Well its either A) I have never been known for my skills of observation, or B) I only just watched the original for the first time last week ( I was scared of "IT" as a child and growing up I just sort of forgot about the movie). So the original Pennywise is simply not very ingrained into my mind yet. Its probably the former.


Hard not to miss it. I believe for like 2-3 seconds the camera focused on Tim Curry's Pennywise. I was reaching down for some popcorn out of the popcorn bucket and when I looked back up at the screen, there he was.


Reaperscout strangely I did some google-ing and it seems nobody is talking about this. Everyone is talking about the statue that is dressed to like Pennywise but nobody is talking about the portrait/painting.


I was aware of this before I saw the film (thanks to an observant YouTube channel that pointed him out in the trailer - can't remember which one), so when that scene came up I spotted him in a heartbeat. I wish hadn't known this though, it would've been a cool surprise. Either way, it was neat.


The statue or the portrait?


Nevermind, I was thinking about the statue/doll that clearly resembled Curry's Pennywise. I did notice the portrait in the film (cool) but obviously not in the trailer.
