MovieChat Forums > The Night Manager (2016) Discussion > Why didn't anyone hear the alarm go off?...

Why didn't anyone hear the alarm go off?

In the episode where Jonathan breaks into the safe and the alarm goes off. Why was it that no one heard this or investigated it Even when Jed goes up to the bedroom it looked like she didn't hear it... Did I miss something?


I think it was Danny who told Pine about the secret room and that the alarm was tested every day at a certain time for one minute. So Pine stole the key and waited for the alarm to go off. He only had one minute in the room to look for evidence.

Jed caught him coming out so he had to make up that story about bringing her flowers. I thought it was odd that Roper would hide the key in the room. With all his $$ you'd think he'd have a keypad or a card reader and keep it with him.

Also why the secrecy about the room. Why not just lock the desk or file cabinet.

Fraaaank. FRANK! Get my jean bin. Susie wants my jeans.
No she doesnt.


Ah! I remember now, Danny saying the alarm is tested everyday. Must have slipped my mind, all makes sense now thanks.


Yeah I agree. I mean anyone would curious to know what's in the secret room that just so happens to be in your bedroom and you just so happen to have a key in the drawer. Someone telling you not to go there wont stop a woman. You'd think he'd hide the key or carry it if it meant so much to keep the secrets. But then again that's television, and the secrets needed to be leaked somehow.


So wasn't Huddleston living at that house for a few days by that time? How come he never asked why does that alarm go off everyday? And wouldn't that alarm going off test allow anybody to easily sneak into that room for those few minutes? This is one of the dumbest show ever to be called a masterpiece.
