Murdered couple

Who were they?


not sure. but they were definitely dead. loved the big pool of blood on the floor. lol


And they were so artistically arranged. Like they were waiting for Delacroix to start painting the scene.


He was the attorney that was orginally going to sign those documents to move the weapons.

Seems like Roper & Co. killed him....or maybe the (corrupt) MI6 people killed him.


His name was Apostol; he was originally Roper's lawyer in Spain.

Then his daughter committed suicide at her birthday party; I guess she got wise to what her father and Roper were doing in the illegal arms business.

After that, Apostol "got religion" and was obviously in great psychic pain because of his daughter's death. He started going to church regularly. Angela Burr approached him in a church, and he started cooperating with her.

Somehow Roper & Co. must have got wind of it.

45 Years: 9
Son of Saul: 10
The Witch: 8.5
Bridge of Spies: 8.5


A very good answer. Roper arranged for his murder. I recollect mention of an Arab assasin who cut Apostol's throat and that of the partner.

Good to note that some people here are watching carefully. This movie deserves its high ratings. There are too many people making mindless complaints....


I think when the corrupt members of MI6 found out about the financial documents that Pine actually obtained, which were leaked by Angela's boss, Roper blames Apostal and had him killed.


That's exactly what happened. When Burr asked her MI6 contact how Drumguld (sp?) thinks she got the papers, he told her they assumed it was the "Spanish lawyer". The Spanish lawyer is Apostol, the guy found murdered at the end.

I'm glad people are paying attention too. This is not a show that's going to spoon feed you. You need to pay attention to the details.


Roper knew that the translation written on the leaked sheets was in Apo's handwriting.


Could it be Black Jack Randall that's behind the murder?



Black Jack has mastered the art of time travel (hey -- if Claire can do it, why can't he?) and is now toggling back and forth between the 1740s and the 2010s.

In this life, he's a corrupt MI6 official who's also a hit man. How fitting.

45 Years: 9
Son of Saul: 10
The Witch: 8.5
Bridge of Spies: 8.5
