switch perspective

Funny, if you try to watch it from Joanna's viewpoint, it's more like "Okay, so I was kind of a brat in high school, but I was a kid, and popular, and we know those kids are dumb. I've grown up a lot since then, probably party because of my parents dying. Since, I've fallen in love with this really amazing guy that I went to high school with, and we're engaged. He's amazing, inspires me to better myself, and embrace things like family and volunteering that I didn't care about so much before. Problem is, his sister is someone I was admittedly pretty mean to when we were kids. I'm hoping to avoid awkward confrontation, so I'm hoping that I can just demonstrate to her through my personality that I'm a better person now, and let bygones be bygones. But she just can't let go of the past. She keeps going out of her way to pointedly bring up supposedly anonymous rumors there were about me way back when, and just can't be an adult and move on."


I feel like Joanna was thinking, "If I'm nice and pretend like nothing ever happened then perhaps Marni will too." I know how someone was as a teenager does not necessarily reflect who they become as adults; however when you've suffered bullying to that degree I think it was very presumptuous of Joanna to assume Marni would just forget about it or go along with her charade. Doing a complete 180 of who you use to be doesn't mean that the past pain you inflicted gets wiped away with it. Joanna didn't necessarily need to apologize, but I feel like she should have acknowledged Marni's feelings.
