
Pet Sematary(1989)is a classic horror movie, one of the best.

Pet Sematary(2019)is completely inferior to the original, but if you don't compare it to it then it manages to be at least somewhat decent.

Pet Sematary: Bloodlines is completely inferior even to the 2019 remake and an absolutely pile of garbage compared to the original.

Good idea that had potential, but was wasted cause of the boring writing.
Directing was completely uninspired. The director could not create any sort of mood.
Terrible acting(Though you could say that about the original also, not so much about the remake.)



I really don't understand why people are hating on this movie so much. I watched it and enjoyed it. I also saw the remake and think Bloodlines is the more entertaining film.

It has interesting characters, solid performers, and a good sense of atmosphere. I also liked the cinematography and the recreation of the late 1960s.

Pretty good direct-to-streaming horror flick, in my opinion.


I lasted 15 min


If you watched a movie for 15 minutes your 2/10 means absolutely nothing.

It wasn’t very good, but if you’re going to rate a movie make sure to watch the whole thing.


Not a chance!
