MovieChat Forums > Under the Skin (2014) Discussion > scarlett is the most beautiful and the s...

scarlett is the most beautiful and the sexiest woman who has ever lived

in this film. she is captured in the best lighting, angles, shadows, perspectives, and ways that she has ever been captured or anyone captured before and she is so mesmerizingly, euphorically, captivatingly, mind numbingly, enchantingly, hypnotically, charmingly, spell bindingly, never seen before this level of beauty, beautiful.


The script called for the character to be attractive, yes, but surely this is secondary to her acting skill? Johansson completely fell into the role. I will grant that the film is a discourse on attraction, but I'd say this isn't quite the complement you think it is.

It's like if someone hires you for your modeling experience, and as part of the job you have to wear designer clothes - and then they spend the entire time praising your clothes. You'd feel like you wasted your time, yes?


no, not true, you are wrong about this. there is nothing wrong with praising a woman's looks or beauty. this is never frowned upon or disrespectful to an actress to do this.

you are wrong. this is the compliment I think it is.


And you made three separate posts about this subject on this board. I think you're psychotic.


Really? I thought she looked quite overweight and out of shape in this film, and the black hair did not suit her at all. If I hadn't seen her name in the credits I wouldn't have recognized her as Scarlet Johansson. To me she looked like any pretty girl you would see walking down the street; attractive, but not exactly "beautiful." But it's all a matter of personal taste. I prefer a girl who weighs less than me..

Fabio Testi is GOD


you are wrong about everything you said about her. she isn't overweight at all in this film and she isn't out of shape at all in this film. and also you are wrong about her black hair not suiting her at all. her black hair suited her perfectly. she looked so alluring, mysterious, and transfixing with her black hair.

a goddess is what she is in this film. also a sexual goddess. you not recognizing her in this film is proof that you don't know what she looks like or are not very observant which might be why you think she was overweight and why you said her black hair didnt' suit her at all.

where do you live? in the back alleys of a ghetto or something? how else could you think that she looks like any pretty girl you would see walking down the street? she is extraordinarily and transcendently beautiful in this. I think she looks better in this film than she has ever looked in any other movie quite possibly.

how much do you weight 90 lbs? because she doesnt' weigh more than 116 lbs. in this film.


It's just a matter of personal taste. Of course Scarlet Johansson is undeniably beautiful. It's just that not all guys go for more shapely types like her. I'm 5' 10" and weigh around 140, and prefer a more delicate body type when it comes to females. For instance, Dakota Fanning is more my type. Again, it's just personal preference i guess..

Fabio Testi is GOD


but to say she looks overweight in this film is wrong. she's not overweight at all in this film. look at her in the scene where she is looking at her naked body in the mirror. there is not an ounce of fat on her body in that scene. she looks as fit as you can be.

I think the problem you have is you are so used to the brainwashed Hollywood idea of a healthy and sexy woman body that you think that every girl should not have any curves whatsoever and should be rail, waifish thin, so thin that you can see their bones through their skin. this is not healthy and is not beautiful, it's ugly but it's the image that Hollywood tries to send everyone and that is not right.

salma hayek is not overweight at all, she is curvy and voluptuous and that is beautiful and right.


You don't have the body of a proper man, so you think curvy womanly females are overweight and out of shape? Please stop calling women with decent figures overweight just because you are a skinny little man. Real men prefer real women with curves, not women with the bodied of little boys.


I read that she purposely put on weight for the role so she wouldn't look so perfect.

Which is pretty mindboggling to consider...


In her naked-before-the-mirror scene I thought she looked close to having thunder-thighs. But that long close-up of her driving, when her ride says she's beautiful, now that is a face to launch a thousand ships!


Scarlett had a couple of years where, yeah, she was real hot. I thought she was sexy as hell in "Don Jon". But the OP's statement? I don't know about that. That's a bit too strong.


Straight up 6/10.
I wouldn't look twice (probably)


I never found her attractive (beautiful, yes) but she was so sexy here. People calling her overweight are nuts. Probably fat themselves and need to make themselves feel better.
