MovieChat Forums > Modern Family (2009) Discussion > Transgender vs Transracial

Transgender vs Transracial

When it was discovered that Rachel Dolezal was pretending to be black, everyone went crazy and ridiculed her to no end. Yet when people pretend to be a different gender, people applaud. Why is that? When someone is pretending to be something they're not, why is it only ok if it's dealing with gender?


You're assuming there's some generic "liberal" out there who is perfectly sympathetic towards the transgendered, but is outraged by the "transracial". But the people offended by Dolezal are not necessarily the SAME people who are advocating for the transgendered and vice versa. You can't accuse a huge group of people of having a "double standard" when they clearly don't all have the same beliefs. Some people have a "double standard". Some are accepting of BOTH the transgendered and "transracial". And some are not very accepting of EITHER.

I can only speak for MYSELF, but if it becomes common for black people to be born in white people's bodies, I will accept them as well (and quit putting quotes around the term "transracial"). But many people felt Dolezal was just an opportunist, while the millions of transgendered people out there clearly have no ulterior motive to "pretend" to be the opposite gender--unless they LIKE being ostracized, bullied, and beaten. You're basically comparing millions of apples to a single orange right now.

"Let be be finale of seem/ The only emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream"


You don't think Bruce Jenner had and ulterior motive? Think about how much money he has made since he started pretending to be a woman.


Bravo lazarillo  Well said.

**~Not my circus, not my monkeys...~**


I can only speak for MYSELF, but if it becomes common for black people to be born in white people's bodies, I will accept them as well (and quit putting quotes around the term "transracial"). But many people felt Dolezal was just an opportunist, while the millions of transgendered people out there clearly have no ulterior motive to "pretend" to be the opposite gender--unless they LIKE being ostracized, bullied, and beaten. You're basically comparing millions of apples to a single orange right now.

That isn't what happens with transgender people. It's a feeling, not a physical issue.


When it was discovered that Rachel Dolezal was pretending to be black, everyone went crazy and ridiculed her to no end. Yet when people pretend to be a different gender, people applaud. Why is that? When someone is pretending to be something they're not, why is it only ok if it's dealing with gender?

Because it has gotten lumped in - and unfairly so – with gay rights. It has become political, therefore untouchable. there is a disorder called body integrity identity disorder. People who have this condition wish to remove limbs, because they feel as if they are meant to be that way, yet we don't let them job went off. Funny how that works, huh?


Because people nowadays lack logic and are being brainwashed.
