Earl Chambers

Well, I guess the writers were really married to this story to cast a replacement Earl Chambers.

Glad to see the closing dedication.


Maybe they had this written before Jon Polito's passing (he died on September 1st). I'm still hoping we get an episode later this season where Earl passes away and Jay had to come to grip with his rival and former friend's death.


Maybe they had this written before Jon Polito's passing
Of course. That's my point. 😀

I'm with you on an episode about Earl's passing. The show did a nice job with Walt, Phil's mother and Jay's Navy pal. Good mix of emotions.


Now that's a great episode in the making.

I loved the episode when Phil's mom passed and the intertwining of the stories. If they're going to get stuck in patterns at least stick to the ones that are funny.


I wonder why they haven't done an episode about Gloria's mother passing away. After all, she won't be visiting anymore unless they recast the role. Maybe they could tie it in with Gloria's relationship with her sister like how it affects them both.

'No offense' means I'm about to insult you, but don't get mad.
