MovieChat Forums > Modern Family (2009) Discussion > Only one thing can save this show - wrot...

Only one thing can save this show - wrote off the kids

Manny, Luke, Hailey and Alex are now complete dead weight in nearly all of their scenes.

The kids from the Middle are nearly exactly the same now as on day 1 - it's hard to watch because they should have grown out of all that crazy behavior

In MF, Hailey was an idiot who got into trouble and slept with bad boys on day 1. Now she is....a more mature, boring person who likes to Date guys like her dad

Alex was a middle schooler discovering boys and balancing her obsession with school work. Now she is a boring "nerd snob" at college. But not like the actors on Big Bang theory - there's no humor, just condescension and Akward story lines

Luke was very funny as a kid because he as crazy and smarter than anyone knew. Now he is just a weird dumb kid who kne minute looks like a creep and the next minute an idiot

Manny's bit of adjusting to well to the good life with a rich papi and being a hopeless romantic and old soul got old and now he is a fat kid who is jealous of his little toddler brother.

That's the thing that annoys me about family sitcoms - they don't know when to have the kids leave or treat them like grown ups

The Jeffersons did a good job of having adult kids, a have many others. MF still dorms tk now what it's doing in That regard

It's a shame, because they are wasting a great cast with this dead weight


For me, the show that has done the best writing/changes for the kids was Roseanne. All 3 kids had natural transitions with real life circumstances. They stayed funny the entire 9 seasons(even though the show itself started sucking, the kids stayed funny). ALL of Darlenes jokes and life issues matured with her as she grew up. A good twist was that Darlene ended up being the one going to college and getting her life together when we all thought it'd be Becky. I think that would have been an excellent twist for modern family. If it was Haley that ended up flourishing in college and it was Alex getting kicked out and struggling instead.


Also the fun they have with the dueling Beckys, Lecy Goranson & Sarah Chalke. Wasn't there an episode where they had DJ in the living room and both girls walked past him and no one but he noticed?


LoL yes. And that episode where they fast forwarded to the future and adult DJ was seeing a therapist because he kept saying the same thing over and over and no one knew what was up lol. He kept saying "They say she's the same but she's not the same" over and over lol.

Another time they were talking about the two husbands on Bewitched and Becky/Lecy says confidentially "I happen to like the new Darrin much better."


Very good point

A good role for Alex would be to have gotten knocked up in high school and had to delay college and struggle with a newborn etc and her identity change - it would have made sense given her lack of relarionship and emotional intelligence and would habe made a compelling angle. Instead, they went with the annoying snob nerd


The only thing that can save this show are good ratings. Oh wait, it already has those, so apparently enough people still enjoy the show.




You realize this show has gone from averaging nearly 13 million viewers in it's 3rd season to almsot half of that in its last?

Most people would see that alone as failure. The fact that the humor and quality of the program has noticeably deteriorated would also count

But I guess you have very low standards and expectations


Ratings are relative. All the broadcast networks have lost ratings in the last few years. Modern Family is one of the highest rated scripted shows on broadcast tv and that's what determines success.

As for the quality, it's purely a matter of opinion.



Cost is a HUGE factor. The actors contracts are up this year. If the show comes back for a 9th season the cast most likely will want raises. If FOX TV (They produce the show) and ABC can not come to terms on a licence fee (That is what ABC pays to Fox ) then the show will be cancelled. I think the show could survive without having the Dunphy Kids period
They are no longer funny. The show could focus more on The adults


Not a bad idea, they could have been done with the 2 oldest ones but chose to write them back in due to dropout and disease, so I guess the writers of the show do not agree.


They can add foster kids to Cam and Mitchel's home. Claire & Phil are boring and annoying! Their kids are no longer funny!


The Jeffersons did a good job of having adult kids

Very random reference and comparison.

a have many others.


MF still dorms tk now what it's doing in That regard

uh, what?


^^^^ agree. what is all that gibberish?

Plus -- Claire became totally unwatchable once they put in her new teeth. She doesn't speak the same, and sounds terrible.

"Say anything about me, dahling, as long as it isn't boring."


What most of you mean to say is that YOU don't find it funny. Guess what? Not everyone thinks like you and it's just your opinion.


The show is no longer funny and most of us don't care now if we miss an episode. The only people that seem to defending this show now most likely have something to do with the show.


most of us

Do you mean most of the people who think the show is no longer funny?


Just because you don't find it funny, doesn't mean it's not funny. I have absolutely nothing to do with the show and I think it's just as funny as ever. To each their own.


You forgot the role of Lily, portrayed by one of the worst child actresses. But hey, not every child can act. She hasn't learned it by now.
Equally bad is Luke's actor.


Lily is the worst in the show, I just didn't say anythin because she was so young. Haha
