Glorias dad painting

In the ending of tonights episode of the Dunphys staying an extra 3 days in NY did everyone in the ending look at the painting Gloria was giving to her sister of thier father all wierd and ran to hug Jay?????


Yes. It looked like Jay.

Oh what a day! What a lovely day!


That was the joke, Gloria married a guy who looked like her dad.


Yep that was the joke and it was a recycled joke (remember the episode in which Phil helps Gloria do hair at her old beauty salon and she calls him "one of a kind" and the camera pans to a "haircut" photo on the wall of a latino guy who looks exactly like Phil.)


And, she that married her puppet from "Yard Sale," too...


Ah, you beat me to that one.

There's definitely a number of things going on with Gloria/her father/Jay/her puppet.


Jay is both. Resembles her father but acts like Uncle Grumpy. 😀


The reason they all rush in and hug Jay is to prevent him from seeing that the painting of Gloria's father looks like him. He had just mentioned his insecurity about Gloria's reasons for marrying him, and they know if he sees the painting it will make him feel even worse.


Gloria has daddy issues.


I would have no problem having her call me daddy during, well, you know.

I may be scarred, but I'm not scared.


Came here to ask that.
Still don't see the resemblance, thou, and I've been following Ed O'Neill since the '' Married with the Children'' which I love.

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
