MovieChat Forums > Modern Family (2009) Discussion > Have they incorporated more of Ariel Win...

Have they incorporated more of Ariel Winter's maturity

in regards to her body in recent seasons?

she's def become a woman and I havent really watched in the past 2 years and wonder if they show more of Alex or whether they downplay her looks. is she pretty much the same in her character or have they matured her some?


They mostly downplay her looks, having her wear frumpy clothes. She does have a love life, though, and going to college with other intelligent types has made her more humble, if you include social awareness in your definition of "maturity."

"You two ought to be ashamed of yourselves . . . two grown men acting like . . . grown men!!!"


I guess if 1 thing is to be said, it's that they're not providing cheap laughs or thrills


Except when Alex was training for a race and we see her on a treadmill with her huge boobs bouncing up and down.

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer Simpso--" - Frank Grimes


Oh, come on. They strapped those monsters down tighter than they do violent patients in an asylum.
If they hadn't done that she'd be wearing them over her shoulders like the straps of a backpack.




It really beggars belief that she is NOT very popular at the sausage party that is Cal Polytech (or whatever they're calling the fictional version of that school).

That's a general problem with TV and movies though. Actors and actresses that are typically 8's, 9's, and 10's aren't often very believable playing characters that are supposed to be 5's.

"Let be be finale of seem/ The only emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream"


They need to throw in some girl-on-girl lovin' with Ariel and Sarah Hyland.


you bring up an excellent point. do the writers not want to over-sexualize her or do they feel changing aspects of her character would seem unrealistic?


They have one "sexy" daughter, already.
If they made them both sexy then you have overkill - and/or just another episode of 'Just the Ten of Us'.

Kerbal Space Program:
Failure is not an option. It's a requirement!



hard to imagine Hailey as sexy


A show has to work with what is there. The kids were clearly cast to fit into their "one character trait each" roles, and pretty well at that time. But while the actors grew out if this, the show never followed, as it would have meant not being able to cash in on the same running gags we know since episode 1.

A possible variation would have been to have two sexy daughters, creating competition.
Also playing out the "beautiful genius" would have been an option, as it would have felt increasingly unfair towards the siblings, which could have been a way to really hits where it hurts and to create relevant comedy instead of the same harmless jokes over and over again.

Luke could have a new cheerleader bimbo every episode, instead they try to cram him into a role of being the inhibited teenager, which he would have fit in, if he still were that chubby little kid of the first season.

Haley on the other hand has suprised so often by not being totally dull that the "dumb beauty" trope does not fit anymore and yet the show has not managed to really replace it with something else.

And Lily is still handled as the the wise-beyond-age baby.


They made her kind of a slut last season but only hinted at it not showing it.


in which episodes?


In this last one they also continued to hint she is a slut by giving the character Mono.
