Great episode

Season 8 Episode 2 was great. Sure, it wasn't close to being the funniest but it was a great heartwarming episode and you just don't get what the middle offers with any other current sitcoms. A truly under appreciated sitcom that is consistently good.


Agreed! I thought it was funny, but damn that last scene!
I just love Mike so much!!


Such a great episode. It made me tear up


Yup.. I got a little emotional. Awww.. this is one of my favorite sitcoms. Heartwarming, funny, and consistent with the characters. I liked it from the very beginning, and I've never had the inclination to stop watching. Not many sitcoms keep my interest this long.

Maybe poker's just not your game, Ike. I know, let's have a spelling contest.


I would not call this episode great, the Axl plot was below average though it was nice seeing him play football, and the brick plot was just stupid. But I agree the last scene where Mike talks about Sue is great why the show has stood the test of 8 seasons.


Actually, the softening-up of Mike is a relatively new development. In the first five or six seasons, he was always stoic and NEVER showed much emotion, other than annoyance. It's only lately that he's thawed out some, especially last year.

If I were Sue and found out that my dad had done what Mike did, I would tell him to keep his money, and I'd stay home and work for a semester. Hopefully, that's what she'll do.


I enjoyed it too. Very sweet that Mike would do that.



Fantastic episode! Thank you writers! And the whole cast of The Middle!

And I also sometimes have trouble swallowing big pills as an adult, so I could empathize with Brick.



Brick's reactions to swallowing a pill were completely ridiculous.


It was a great episode. I can't wait till next week. I hope they do another Halloween episode this year.


They will.


I agree! I thought that the first episode was just, meh, but this one was vintage The Middle.

It will be a shame if none of the actors The Middle are ever nominated for an Emmy. Personally, I think that Patricia Heaten's performance is better in this show than Everybody Loves Raymond. Eden Sher has been one of the most refreshing actors on television for several years! Neil Flynn might not be the star of the show, but his performances have been very good.


It will be a shame if none of the actors The Middle are ever nominated for an Emmy. Personally, I think that Patricia Heaten's performance is better in this show than Everybody Loves Raymond. Eden Sher has been one of the most refreshing actors on television for several years! Neil Flynn might not be the star of the show, but his performances have been very good.

As long as cable television, like HBO and Showtime) is included in the Emmy nominating mix, you can kiss nominations for The Middle goodbye. It's never been a "sensation" (like Big Bang Theory, Black'ish or Modern Family), and it's never had stellar ratings, either. While I agree that both Heaton and Sher have been robbed of nominations in the past, I think they've been phoning it in for the last two years. I would've nominated Eden for her performances in the first two seasons, definitely. And Heaton, too. But when up against stuff like Modern Family and Veep, Nurse Jackie, et al, the show disappears.



-Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad


Probably one of their most dramatic episodes. I've never seen Mike and Frankie yell at Sue like that. Mike did it more than once. Sometimes it was hard to watch. I did like the ending with what Mike did. That was nice to see. The Axl story was just all right. Not much to it. I like the dragons team name. I think a college should adopt that team name. I did empathize a bit with Brick's pill issue. I had trouble with swallowing pills when I was younger. I got over it at a much younger age than Brick, but I did understand his plight.


I did empathize a bit with Brick's pill issue. I had trouble with swallowing pills when I was younger. I got over it at a much younger age than Brick, but I did understand his plight.

I did too, speedy1383. I still have some trouble with larger pills. I have to request a small pill size and thankfully so far I haven't had any trouble with that. Frankie was smart to suggest practicing with candy. My parents tried all kinds of tricks such as putting it in ice cream. It didn't work for me. What helped me was practicing with Tic Tacs. Since they are coated they don't dissolve on my tongue and make me gag. I'm glad I finally got the hang of it. I don't know why some of us have trouble and others don't.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop & look around once in awhile you could miss it - Ferris


I actually thought the swallowing issues was right on track with Brick's other issues. I have a child with some sensory integration issues and at 15 she still refuses to swallow a pill.


Probably one of their most dramatic episodes. I've never seen Mike and Frankie yell at Sue like that.

Mike was super p.o.'d and yelled at her when she accidentally threw a party at the quarry. Great visual of Mike emerging from the shadows into the glow from the headlights!

He was really mad in that episode, as he said last night, he was more frustrated than anything about the tuition.


Yeah he was really mad in that situation. I actually still think he was madder here since it continued on for a couple of scenes.


I liked it too.

~ Whoever said diamonds were a girls best friend never owned a dog ~
