Brick's age

It's kind of weird that Brick is now the same age as Axl was in the first season. He's not nearly as selfish as Axl was.

All things being equal, I'd rather be snorting cocaine off a hooker's ass.


Near the start, when Frankie was refusing to go back to the drug store to get Brick a different kind of medicine because he said he can't swallow pills, did Frankie say she had bought him some other things including a razor? My Mom got me a razor when I was about 15 or 16. I know there was a thread about Brick (or Atticus) having whiskers before. Did they just acknowledge it on the show? Later when Axl pulled out a razor scooter I thought, maybe that's what I heard.


Yep, she said "You're in high school now, I'm not going to get you a razor and the New York review of books and then buy you raspberry flavored squirty medicine."


I thought it refereed to a regular razor. So he must be old enough to shave now. Some boys get facial hair sooner than others. He is in high school now and he seems to have grown some since last year.

~ Whoever said diamonds were a girls best friend never owned a dog ~


The actor is 18 years old, not 14. He's had a beard for the last three years, they've just tried covering it up with make-up.

