MovieChat Forums > The Middle (2009) Discussion > The kids/actors never changing

The kids/actors never changing

I don't think I've ever seen such a long running show where the kids don't change at all. Not just not developing the characters, but physically not changing much. Usually when you watch the first season of a show and the last there is a significant changes with the kids. Brick is understandable with his health issues.

and obviously not changing the characters much at all. Especially Sue and her wardrobe.


I know. It is kinda weird. Look at Roseanne and Home Improvement. Even the Donna Reed Show. Only on The Middle do the kids stay the same. Sue and Axl are almost spooky, like they're pod people, instead of being real. You could take the Axl and Sue from the latest episode and put them side by side with the first episode, and there'd be no difference in look, personality, or attitude. No growth at all.

I'd say that Darrin, Sean, and Brad have grown and look significantly different. But the two main kids? No. As for Brick, well, since he started out as a young child, it goes without saying that he'd mature...though his basic look has remained the same.


I think Brick has changed a lot - especially noticeable this season. I think Axl and Sue have changed physically (somewhat) over time but no, Sue's wardrobe hasn't changed one bit.

I think that is part of the charm of this show, however. The fact that some things change, but some things will always remain the same. Like arguing in the car about what to eat - or mom forgetting the snack bag - or Axl insulting Sue.


I'm weird, because I don't even find it that weird. My sister and I didn't change dramatically from middle school to our current ages (24 and 32). A little taller, maybe slightly more filled out, but nothing dramatic like for some people. We also never changed our styles that much. Sue's always been behind the times with style so it's not like she's going to suddenly jump onto the latest trend.


People change at their own personal pace. This is a tv show after all isn't it? The season just started so who knows what we will see.

<“Every man of courage is a man of his word.” - Pierre Corneille>


Yeah! It's only been on SEVEN years, so to expect any of the characters to change is just ridiculous. Seriously, what's wrong with you people? Tell 'em, Bookman. I mean, KrazyKatgrl. I love you! 😘


The show is decrepit in both series run (how long it's been on) and in creativity (self explanatory). Nothing ever changes. Just like equally decrepit Modern Family.

Only when Mike acted phony happy, smiling fake and asking about Admin. framed picture of a kitty did I "lol" aloud!
