MovieChat Forums > The Middle (2009) Discussion > Question About April? (Possible Spoiler)

Question About April? (Possible Spoiler)


Was she the same person that Frankie talked about in her narrative about Axl meeting a girlfriend at the pool at the close of Season 7's episode? Or is this a different girlfriend?



"...and Axl? Well, Axl met the love of his life".

It was a sorta mini-cliffhanger I guess you could call it.

Yes, this is "the love of his life" at the end of season 7 when the credits were rolling.

Interestingly, "April" is played by Greer Grammer, daughter of Heaton's former co-star on "Back To You"...Kelsey Grammer.


Glad she has maintained work after being one of the stars of Awkward


We never saw the girl at the end of Season 7.

The only thing we know is that Axl saw "the love of his life" in a pool. It's very possible that April and a bunch of friends were there, and even if Axl is with April right now, the true love of his life was actually there as well.

Personally, I like Greer Grammer, she is beautiful and is very likeable, too bad she's always playing a bimbo, and April is a mega-bimbo. There's very little going on for her character right now. Unless they change her character A LOT, I guess the eventual "love of his life" will eventually show up as one of April's friends (sister, maybe? LOL).

Sent from my computer, using my keyboard.


It would be a nice twist to see that the girl that Axl actually saw at the pool was NOT April. I just don't like April that much (albeit after one episode).

I'm still hoping for Weird Ashley (now sans most of the "Weird") to have swept Axl off of his feet.


Hmm. Usually, Frankie's narrative is in the present, or close to the present--so for her to say that Axl "met the love of his life" makes it sound like she's looking back from some future point. And usually, when someone meets the love of their life, it ends up in marriage...or a love lost that never quite leaves you, even if you do marry someone else.

I'd be willing to bet that April won't last long. Girlfriends and boyfriends in the Heck universe never do. Just look at Sue, who's supposedly an awkward girl who "nobody really knows." She's had a series of boyfriends, starting with Brad, Matt, Darrin, Logan, and ecology guy. She also had the cajones to flirt rather outrageously with a handsome professor, even going to his home after school hours (that was completely out of character, in my opinion).

So, neither Sue nor Axl lack in the "significant other" category. And remember, Sue even had a marriage proposal (conveniently forgotten, it seems)! So, I think this "love" of Axl's life was just a way to end season 7, and that there'll be many more loves "of his life" before the show is through.

I'd go so far as to make this prediction: when the show ends, none of the Heck children will be attached, and it'll all end with them around the kitchen table, eating, while Frankie's narration goes from person to person and brings us all up to date. Just like The Wonder Years.


Frankie said in the season-ending narrative, "...but that is a story for another day."

You might be right about the final moments of the final show of the final season. Still, I would like to think that Axl has a twist in his love life (such as falling for Weird Ashley). I just like all of that great buildup over the previous seasons.

At this point, I think that Cassidy was the girl that was his most mature love. In fact, he actually broke up with her (at the prom) -- but still thought of her for two more years.

The other girls were more or less filler.

1.) Morgan was a crush.
2.) Courtney/Debbie (you never know) were unimportant to him.
3.) Devin Levin was never totally serious about him.
4.) The Vegetarian goth girl (vegetarianism was a deal-breaker).
5.) Cassidy

Weird Ashley would be the funniest outcome for these. She has always loved him -- enough to change colleges for him (or a hotel-management program). She accompanied or ended up with Axl at every high school dance. It would just be funny to have Axl suddenly develop feelings for him (perhaps unbeknownst to him at first that it is actually "Weird" Ashley).

Then again, I think that Sue should either marry Sean Donahue (her first crush) partially because I like the ring of "Sue Sue Donahue." It's funny that he was willing to take her to her high school dances -- even driving home from Notre Dame -- but it never worked out.


Wow, my memory must be going! I thought Cassidy broke up with Axl at the prom, not the other way around...and that's how he ended up with Weird Ashley! Are you positive of this?


Yes, I am sure that Axl was the one who actually ended things.

Axl was puzzled that Cassidy was getting ready to leave for a summer program and giving them only a few more days together. Axl was upset and said that he assumed that they had the entire summer to spend with one another.

She then asked him, "What did you think was going to happen?" before saying that they "would be having this conversation" (about her leaving to college) "in a few months anyway" -- implying both leaving physically and eventually breaking up.

Axl said, "Why wait?" or something to that effect. He broke up with her on the spot...just a moment before being named prom king.

When he had no one to dance with, Ashley was there -- arms opened wide -- and he danced with her. As they danced, she whispered into his ear, "It's destiny."

