
Have you notice always emphasise the word Pop cause they are from Midwest


Yes. Isn't it funny how people have different names for it? What does your family call it?

I grew up in the north east mainly in NY and we called it soda. My dad grew up around TX and calls all soda, Coke even if it isn't the brand of coke. My mom grew up in Canada and later NY calls it pop. I had a great aunt who grew up in TX and called all drinks Coke Cola. Not just coke. But the most unique name for I've heard is tonic. My mom's cousins called it tonic. They lived in NH.

<“Every man of courage is a man of his word.” - Pierre Corneille>


My sister lived most of her adult life in TX and she calls it "soda water" for any brand of pop (yes, I call it pop- I'm in Minnesota)

**~Not my circus, not my monkeys...~**


I've heard that some from the south (USA) calls all kinds of soda Coke. You have confirmed this.

I'm Australian and probably call most Colas Coke, but generally if I'd give a generic name I'd say soft drink.


Yep. I'm from the Deep South (NORTH Florida is considered the Deep South) and here we say Coke, whether it's Coke, Sprite, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, or any carbonated drink.


From the South...call all drinks.( Coke :)


This thread reminded me of a quiz from New York Times that can tell where your from based on the words you use and the names you have for things.

I'm always surprised at how many names there are for potato bugs and fireflies.


That is a wonderful quiz! I've had so many people take it, and am fascinated by its accuracy.
(P.S. I'm in Texas and to me the words are Coke, doodle bugs, and lightening bugs ?)


Great quiz.. T's

Was only stumped by one question and the results were spot-on for where I was brought up.

I've always used the word coke ~ probably brainwashed by the excitement of using Coke machines as a kid.





I am a Michigan transplant to Pennsylvania. Michigan it was pop, Pennsylvania it is soda. That is one thing I refused to give up; calling it pop. Most of the time people don't know what I'm talking about. Anyway, it's a thrill to hear it called pop on TV again since I don't get to hear it anymore.

Now I just need them to have a card party and play Euchre and that would be perfect. I never get to play that anymore because it takes four and nobody has a clue what it is here.


I miss playing euchre so much! If we lived nearby, we could form a euchre club, lol


I'm a Michigander and like you said everyone says pop. I don't get people calling it Coke in the South. Coke is Coke, lol. That sucks no one plays euchre by you. I have a tournament every first Wed. of the month with guys from work. Everyone pays 25 bucks, we eat good and have a blast. We have 16 people play so the prize money is decent after I pay for the food.


Its more difficult for any card games in person, Spades, Rook or Euchre. Me and my wife have found a few "playing couples" but in general noone plays cards anymore. Euchre is stereotyped an old folks game, even though it feels more energetic than Spades while palying.

Is this Idaho? Because I will not limbo in Idaho.


I grew in the south east and always called it soda. But I know a lot of people who call it coke no matter what brand or drink. My dads side of the family is from the north east mainly CT and call it pop.


I'm from KY, and its either called pop or Coke.
Since my immediate family drinks Pepsi products we never developed calling it Coke we always say "We're out of pop", but I have aunts and uncles that will ask "What kind of Coke you want" Plus depending on what part of the state, most rural areas its coke, but you get into Lexington, or Louisville its generally pop, but soft drink is becoming very common place in areas with universities.

Is this Idaho? Because I will not limbo in Idaho.


Most people I know are giving up it completely. I did last year when my blood sugar was high and after testing it showed my body just didn't process sugar like it use to. My wife never liked it and my 20 something daughter has become a health nut so it's out of our life. I've seen the same thing with most people we know.

<“Every man of courage is a man of his word.” - Pierre Corneille>


Yeah, I'm not a big pop drinker either-I drink WAY TOO much coffee however. Must cut down on that. It's hard on my stomach

**~Not my circus, not my monkeys...~**


I quit soda almost two years ago. I haven't had a single sip since. I did it for health reasons due to chronic pain and my pain levels have improved since quitting which is a surprise. I've learned now soda both sugar free and regular cause many health problems other than weight gain and diabetes.


I have always called it soda. Living on the east coast all of my life, I have never heard anyone refer to it as anything but soda.


I've always called it all 3 myself.

Although, most frequently call it pop.

I doubt they THE MIDDLE can reference either pop/soda as "Coke" for legal reasons.


I live in Texas. Regardless of what kind of soda you want, we always refer to it as getting a Coke.
