MovieChat Forums > The Bear (2022) Discussion > S3-Ep6 - Napkins.....Excellent episode.....

S3-Ep6 - Napkins.....Excellent episode...Minor spoiler

Loved this episode and how they portrayed Tina's search for a new opportunity and the scene with her and Jon Bernthal. How they did this episode was so good.


Most of us job searchers / unhappy with our jobs have been on Tina's shoes. And she found a lifesaver in the least expected place. Boy I know I've been there.


When watching that scene, I turned to my girls and said watching Tina go through this is taking too long and is too painful to watch and then her scene with Jon Bernthal made all that misery payoff so powerful in their interaction. Just a wonderful scene.


Agreed. The payoff was good.

I wasn't particularly enjoying this one as I thought we'd already had a "get to know ... better" episode for Tina already.

Plus, I'm sure she knew Carmey pretty well in season 1 and her interactions with Sydney suggested she'd been a jobbing cook for years, as far as I recall (?) so I don't think this really fits in with what we had before.

But I don't know, emotionally it was really good, the Jon Bernthal scenes always seem special and it was nice to see the old Beef restaurant...


I think it’s consistent. It was clearly set in the past. Probably around 2008.
As a side note, I’d much rather eat at the Beef than the Bear lol.


that's not the first ep.


Oops, my bad....I fixed it. Thanks.
