MovieChat Forums > Prometheus (2012) Discussion > 2 Factions Of Engineers

2 Factions Of Engineers

Does anyone else think there might be two factions of Engineers? It seems to me theres is a difference between the one we see at the beginning of the film and the one our protagonists meet. The first ones seem more like creators, sacrificing themselves to create life. The ones we see and meet later seem to be an antithesis of this, wanting to destroy life.


We only meet two in total and both seem to want to destroy life, the first their own, the second everyone else's. The second was sleeping and missed out on whatever happened on that moon. Maybe they were criminal or insane or an incapacitated terrorist, we don't get to find out. I don't think there is enough information to form an opinion based on what we see in the film. We will see soon though in the new film.


The word is that we will get some more info about engineer society, which seems to have been wiped out per the latest trailer.


I still haven't figured out why the engineers (I like to call them, astronaunt scientists) were harvesting that black goo? So that black goo is a native lifeform on that planet. The wormlike insects that came in contact with the black goo probably weren't from that planet. They were brought there by the engineers.


I don't really get why people make conclusions like this based on nothing? Why says they were harvesting black goo, or that it was a lifeform from the planet? I'm not saying you are wrong, simply that I see no reason to think that?


Did you not see all those thousands of cannisters that were leaking the black goo? The goo can from the cannisters. The canisters were on the ship. Duh.


Terry, no need to get nasty or insulting, of course I and everyone else who watched the movie saw that. I did not draw any conclusions from that because nothing made any sense. Why were the canisters in the room with the head? Why were they not all leaking ... and they were not really leaking, they were overflowing, there is a difference, no? And don't say duh, it makes you sound stupid and make people lose patience with you.


First some of the cannisters were clean and then after a while those same cannisters started leaking the black goo.

If I saw wrong then kindly explain where the black goo came from? And since you are so smart, then kindly explain what was the black goo?


I have no idea, that's one of the reasons I thought the movie was so bad. There is no indication what was going on, but that doesn't excuse making up a story out of thin air and insulting people who question you now does it?


Just because you are too stupid to see the connection between the images on screen and the plot doesn't mean that I'm making things up. Just because you didn't understand what you saw doesn't mean that the movie was stupid.


There you go .... full blown retard. What do you bother for?


You didn't understand any of the movie yet you have the nerve to call me a retard? Lol


Ah so you are just a dick to everyone. The person that didnt get the movie is YOU bozo. Look at your posts, filling in the plot holes like a special needs kid with a pack of crayons and a colour book. The script was garbage, get over it.


Actually you don't know what you are talking about. So I decided to help you out by explaining things the way I would a child. Do we really need the crayons and coloring book as a learning aid for you?

And I wouldn't say that the movie is garbage. It's not the best sci fi horror movie ever made but it is a pretty good film.


When did you explain anything? You asked a dumb fuck quest then went on to say you were happy to have plot holes. Whats with the lying dude? You know this is a forum right? Everything you say can easily be looked up. Damn what a worthless cunt you are. You even steal the shit I say. No wonder you think this movie is smart considering your so dumb you probably get to jump the queue at disney land.


The Engineers didn't want to destroy life. David wanted to destroy life. More specifically David tells Elizabeth that he wanted to kill his creator. David talks about a sacrifice because that's what he was thinking of doing. That sacrifice was Charlie. It is clear to me that David had his own agenda that he wasn't going to tell anyone about.

I think the reason that last Engineer attacked David, Weyland and Elizabeth was because he thought they wanted to harm him.

Remember when Elizabeth says that she thinks there was an outbreak? Well, I'm thinking that the Engineer we see in the opening scene probably doesn't know that the black goo he was about to drink had been contaminated. He wasn't sacrificing himself.


Horse shit, you got to that conclusion about david after seeing covenant. The movie pointed to a conversation david had with wayland as to his reasoning for dropping that black shit in charlies drink.

Every post you make just tells me you are one dumb mother fucker, yet youve got the stones to attack anyone else that doesnt agree with you. Pathetic.


That's right. I was reminding him of what David was referring to when he mentioned a sacrifice.
And every post you make to me tells me that you're a mean jerk who learned to curse from living in a trailer park. Lol pathetic


A mean jerk? What are you, five? And whats with the bigotry towards people in trailer parks? Theyre people too ya know.


The problem with all these explanations people have is that they are fine, but what evidence is there in the movie for that? They looked the same, therefore we should assume they are the same until further notice. I just hated the whole movie because at the beginning there was this guy who drank this stuff that ripped apart his body. Presumably it was supposed to be "seeding" the planet with life, but the first thing they showed in after he drank the noxious poison was his DNA being attacked and broken down. This made no sense at all. It would make more sense to assume that the creature we see pulled out of Shaw's abdomen in her self-abortion was not related to the Alien, xenomorph, or whatever because it was not the same, but I think it is safe to say there is some connection. And then when the two idiots in the room with the big face are trying to cut the snake tentacle off of the guy's arm it bleeds acid. I think we know that at some point all these things are going to come together and the Alien monster is going to come out of it. Stupid.


The didn't look the same. One went au natural and the other had a biomechanical suit. Plus, there ships looked different.


The ships did look different. But that must have taken place hundreds of thousands of years if not millions apart. Like I said though, make your case, state your argument. You did not mention the ship in your first post ... get it together and tell us what you come up with. Whatever it was Prometheus the movie did not make much use of any of it.

When you say one had a suit on, it was a space suit in a space ship.

The other was wearing something, but doffed it before he drank his poison broth.

Which reminds me that Earth would not have had a human breathable atmosphere before life transformed it, it would have been methane, ammonia, hydrogen, etc ... another point against this idiotic movie.

I guess that would be my best argument, the movie in its entirety is so idiotic why would you think they would make the unstated point that they two engineers were different?


If there are any factions of Engineers, they're all modeled off of the best wrestling faction of all time and space: X-Factor.
