MovieChat Forums > Vanishing on 7th Street (2011) Discussion > This had such a great premise... :(

This had such a great premise... :(

I wish they went a different route with this!

Major things that ruined this for me...

1. Everyone's acting, besides Hayden Christensen who was a little wooden anyway, everyone's acting was either over the top, or underwhelming. I've seen them all in fantastic roles where their acting was really great. Thandie I am most shocked about, it felt as if she was just there to get a paycheck, normally she is a fantastic and lovely actress.

2. Cliche characters, John Leguizamo being "that guy that smashes things with an uncontrollable anger toward the desperate situation he's in" I usually like him, but I was glad when his character was gone, he was just another character serving no point to the plot other than to explain the darkeness and what happens when you go there. Thandie's character being over dramatic with the gun, and looking for her baby, granted I let it slide since in such a situation i can see someone being disoriented and delirious...but it was just executed really bad :/

3. Overuse of the shadows, granted they creeped me the hell out, they were the only saving grace for this movie IMO, but they were used way to frequent which made them a welcome guest, not a stranger you should worry about. Thus not creating much tension once the movie got rolling because you are used to them.

4. I don't normally like kids in movies anyway, but the kid playing James was just not needed. It's rare that a kid in a horror movie does a good job, and I think it's just because they normally come off as "how are they going to get through this with a kid around" all seems hopeless now that a child is involved. He didnt help in anyway.

5. Lame script, nothing was original, everyone did exactly what was expected, no surprises. They has plenty of resources to light fires they were in a bar with alcohol...that would of been the first thing i would do...

I was really rooting for this movie, I am always creeped out by dark figures and the part in the beginning when the lights go out and you hear people half scream and just disappear scared the crap outta me. In the movie "Ghost" I was always scared of the shadow people. This had some creepy moments, but man it could have really been something wonderful, with such a great cast, I was very let down. I'm sure some people wont agree with me, and I'm not aiming to be a troll, It's just that I had really wanted to like this.

What are your thoughts?


I agree for the most part. I never liked Hayden Christiansen as an actor anyway but in this role he was ok. Ms newton however was as you said a bit over the top with the gun scene. And the wailing and crying. I could understand it given the loss of the child however don't feel that the acting was good and I think that she was a bit stiff and she could've been a much better job as far as the rest of the movie goes I wasn't so Impressed just because there were so many plotholes. I almost feel like it was supposed to be version of the rapture and these people were the leftovers. I I'm just confused. My favorite part of the movie was when he is asked "then why does this truck work?" and He replies "because it's a Chevy"


lmao! I love Thandie though it actually pains me to give her a bad review, I can see why I never heard if this movie till it came up on netflix instant...


yeah usually like her movies I don't like Hayden however, except for Star Wars and even then that goes pretty much saying that he peaked there. But am yeah I don't I really don't understand.Id like to see a vanishing on 8th street where they explain what happened on seventh street


haha, oddly I would watch it regardless of how much I disliked this movie :p

sometimes a sequel rarely outshines the original


I agree it was a great idea but they should have just set fire to more stuff and shouldve had candles everywhere. I was also a little bugged cos they didnt put the car interior light on, even though it seemed they didnt need it, but in that situation you want as much light as possible.


3. Yeah they overdid the flickering light effects every two minutes.

5. Odd I didn't even think to try fire until she does.


I agree. This movie has an awesome idea but it flounders due to a mediocre screenplay.

The characters are mostly morons. Hayden acts skeptical of John Leguizamo's story, even though it's the third day of this post-apocalyptic nightmare and Hayden has witnessed exactly what he's saying firsthand. The kid pretty much got multiple characters killed, though if he did that to me, I'd leave his ass in a heartbeat instead of trying to go rescue him.

The rules of the movie are very inconsistent. Sometimes, people vanish the very instant the lights go out. Other times, however, characters have upwards of 30 seconds to scramble to safety while the darkness leisurely pursues them. Also, it's shown that characters can be saved from the darkness by a single small lit cigarette, yet one character vanishes when he has lit candles with 10 feet of him, and another vanishes with light still on him as he lays on a table.

Another thing that annoyed me was the whole Roanoke Island mystery tie-in. The Roanoke Island mystery was solved decades ago, with scientists and historians agreeing that the Roanoke settlers were facing starvation and disease and that they just up and abandoned their settlement to live with nearby Algonquin native Americans on Croatoan Island. I know it's a movie, but it's just lame that people act like there was some crazy supernatural phenomena behind something that is grounded in reality. But even in this film's universe, it makes no sense; why did it only happen to a small village in 1588, but affect the entire world in 2010? And the word "Croatoan" comes from an island nearby the Roanoke colony. So, did these demon ghost shadows go around carving the word "Croatoan" into things? Maybe they really had a thing for North Carolina...

Even the title is stupid. It implies it only happened on 7th Street, which would've made sense if we wanted to tie it to the Roanoke mystery since both happened in one isolated area. And they never even mention 7th street at all!
