What a delightful movie

I really enjoyed this movie and the delicate balance between depicting the torn soul of the newly elected pope a very human character somewhat crushed by the weight of the expectations around his role and the light funny moments brought in by the author/director. I do not think this movie is not so much about the "relationship between the pope and his therapist" but rather about how sometimes duties we are called upon are so distant from our own true nature.


I just saw it today and I agree, it was delightful. I thought Michel Piccoli created such depth and humanity and bemusement in his portral of a newly-elected pope. All the other cardinals were wonderful, too. I laughed like a drain at the volleyball tournament and the shrink's disappointment when it suddenly ended. I loved the different characters of the cardinals and their age etched on their faces. I was really surprised by the ending.


"sometimes duties we are called upon are so distant from our own true nature." <<-- Fact Of Life.


Me too. Just because it hasn't got CGI, bad language and violence, people complain. It was however a most delightful movie.



I keep seeing trailers for it on the train every morning on my commute to school. My thought process is 'Did I just see a bunch of cardinals playing volleyball with a midget in the Sistine Chapel? ...I've gotta see this movie.' Though it was kind of hard to track down the actual movie itself--it's called 'The Pope's Holiday' in Japanese, which obviously didn't turn up much on Google or IMDB.


Very nicely said! Agree with your review completely.
