MovieChat Forums > Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023) Discussion > Why can't they just LEAVE these classic ...

Why can't they just LEAVE these classic franchises ALONE???

Especially when the main star is ageing and forgetful, and the original creative team has long since dispersed, and even the director wants out??

Kingdom of the Crystal Skull RUINED a perfect trilogy, and now they're going to add wokeness to Indiana Jones?? Not on MY fucking watch, you're NOT.


Well, they can’t leave them alone because, 1) These constant sequels, remakes, reimaginings, reboots, or RE-whatevers of great classic films continue to make a ton of money, which is the only thing Hollywood is worried about (besides showing the world how “woke” they are), and 2) They have absolutely NO ORIGINALITY/CREATIVITY left in their collective minds.

Why use creativity when you can copy and paste the blueprint of something that has already worked and cash in. That’s the mentality of Hollywood, and society in general today. “Let’s get the most out of everything with the least amount of work. Yay.”

It sucks, but I don’t see it changing anytime soon unfortunately, unless people start speaking with their wallets.


Cuz Disney overpaid for LucasFilm and desperately need to make some returns on the investment.

I think Indiana Jones without Ford is gonna go over like a lead balloon, so this is their last chance to cash in on it.



Skull was like an out of touch Spielberg/Lucas thing.

They both think movies are for "kids" and that isn't true. What made kids like their movies is that they were serious when they first came out. Not all films need to be about the holocaust or Israel to be serious.

Skulls was bad because of the cartooniness of some of the action. If you deleted those scenes you have an okay film.

There is no reason you can't have a good film with Ford in it. Clever writers can adjust the action, add better helper characters, etc and just have Indy doing what he always did. It makes sense because in the universe Indy lives in, mysteries are real, and I doubt a guy like that would give up, because he couldn't.

You just need good writers.
