
Will this movie explain why Indy has an eyepatch as an old man in the Young Indiana Jones TV show?


I doubt it.


The tv show isn't considered canon with the movies.


Indy makes references to events from the series in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.


Fair enough, I never noticed. What are some examples?


I haven’t seen Kingdom in a long time, but I remember there is a scene in which Indy tells Mutt about the time he met Pancho Villa.


Kathleen Kennedy isn't exactly respectful of canon so it's an irrelevant point now anyway.


She's not writing or directing, though - but either way, I don't think anyone of the involved remembers the eye patch - if they've even seen the Young Indy Chronicles.

As a related but completely irrelevant aside, Kathleen Kennedy's single acting credit is as a dancer in the opening song of Temple of Doom.


I'd lean into Norse mythology with this one, have Indy actually sacrifice his eye at a magic well for ultimate wisdom about something.


That would actually be awesome.


That actually would be a very fitting inclusion.


It'd be a delightfully squeamish disturbing scene too. Playing into horror elements of Temple and faith elements of Crusade.


The people making this movie have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.

Reminds me of what's happening with Star Trek and Star Wars (some of these individuals are also involved with Indy).


Yeah, it seems like current creatives have no respect for continuity which ends up causing series and franchises to become pointless. Take the newest Halloween movies for example that ignore even the good sequels to Halloween and replace it with something subpar, rending the previous films meaningless and the new films pointless.
