MovieChat Forums > Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010) Discussion > I have never laughed so much in a movie.

I have never laughed so much in a movie.

We need MORE Tucker and Dale! or at least more movies like it.


After the one kid jumps into the wood chipper and Tucker asks if he's ok, I nearly hyperventilated.


That almost made me fall off of the couch too, but the first one was the one that really got me. I was just not expecting that idiot to impale himself! Hilarious!

nothing here to see just imminent danger in the middle of it ME!


Ten minutes into the film they are sitting around the campfire, dude takes a hit on a joint and immediately follows it with a hit on his inhaler...hilarious.


I was cracking up when they were trying to describe the scene around them to the police officer. "It's been a doozie of a day..." LMAO.


I loved this movie. I haven't laughed this hard during a movie in a long time.

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!


I'm glad to see I'm not alone in this. I laughed my ass off throughout the entire movie. There definitely needs to be more movies like this!



Tyler sobbing and saying "Don't kill my dog, i swear to god i'll get really mad"

"They chopped off his bowling fingers"

And the cop scene "Looks like he's going to walk it off"

I don't think i laughed this hard in long time. Great mixture of comedy and horror but more on the comedy side of things.

This is going to be a instant cult classic like Evil Dead is, well it should. Hopefully we get another one, maybe killing zombies.



Are your friends on medication? Cause I don't think they took it today...
OMG you don't like pancakes! Ok, ok, I'll go make you something else...
These kids are having a suicide pact and killing themselves in our woods! Omg, that makes so much sense!

Best movie I've seen in a long time.


"Omg, we've got to hide all of the sharp objects."


To the guy on fire - Tucker: "Oh, God! He's cracklin' like a log!!!"



The part where Tucker's finger had the red acrylic nail...had me in stitches. xD

"We saved the cheerleader, now we have to save the world."


Oh my gosh, loved this movie!

@SeeBear, I love how during this scene when the guy first catches on fire, Dale or maybe Tucker tries to tell him to stop, drop and roll. I loved that because it was a very realistic reaction and I never hear someone say it. That's exactly what you're supposed to do, but in movies and t.v. shows the person on fire ALWAYS starts running and flailing around which only feeds the flames.


"Damn it Dale, when you see a college girl prancing around in front of you half naked, you don't yell out my name!"


I just got done watching this and loved every minute of it. Alan Tudyk is an awesome actor and Tyler Labine was great too. I like how the writers took the cliches of horror movies and turned them on their ear.

Utah! Get me two.
