MovieChat Forums > Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010) Discussion > Lubricated condoms, feminine napkins and...

Lubricated condoms, feminine napkins and clamps...oh my

At the Last Chance Gas store, the store clerk asks Tucker: "Are you sure you got everything you need? Once you get up there..." Tucker replies, "Read that list back to me again." The store clerk reads the list back to Tucker:
3/4-inch nails.
Baling hooks.
Brush-clearing scythe.
Cross-cut handsaw.
Lubricated condoms.
Hand drill.
Feminine napkins.
Stone bits.
1/8th hole saw..."

Why do you think Tucker (and Dale) have lubricated condoms and feminine napkins on their list of things to buy at the store? Got their list of tools, but just throw in some condoms and maxi pads. Are they hoping to meet women to bring back to their vacation home in the woods? And in case a woman has her period, they've got her covered. Never hurts to be over-prepared. Although many women would find it odd for a man to have feminine napkins at his place. Or is there some other (hillbilly) use for condoms and feminine napkins?


Make good gauze pads?
