
Almost made me tear up along with him but I told my tears to get back into their ducts.

I see that he's regressed into wearing his mothers trinkets now while doing magazine cutouts to drawing. I wonder if this is how actors sometimes end up. After suffering some trauma of sort they isolate then start doing painting like Jim Carrey for example or similar arts & craft.


Oh shit, I didn't even realize it was his mom's jewelry! I thought he was simply into desert/Native American stuff. I vaguely remember hearing he is either a little NA or a very big admirer of the culture, but now that you point it out, he does look like an old woman.


That part about his mother's jewelry was very touching.


Turquoise is supposed to have healing properties so I suspect that's why he is wearing it. Turquoise jewelry is also big in NM so he's gone native. Before the internet, people used to have hobbies like scrapbooking, drawing and painting.


The "I miss my mama" was sad, poor Val, he's really been dealt a bad hand.
