MovieChat Forums > Aquaman (2018) Discussion > Looks like DC finishes this year on a hi...

Looks like DC finishes this year on a high note!

I figured as much, once WB got rid of Synder and stopped interfering with film production DC would get back on it's feet fairly more than ever I'm so hyped all the up coming DC movies, Shazm, The Joker, Suicide Squad 2, Wonder Woman 84, and The Birds of Prey which is very likely to be rated R.

I bet the Marvel fanatics are super salty over this development, LOL!


I really don't think marvel fans give a shit, this DC v marvel bollocks is for small minded children


Well obviously you do give a shit if you bothered to reply to this post dumbass.


I said Marvel fans, who's the dumbass now little boy?


ooo! ooo! i know this one!


Right, you're not a Marvel fan when all you ever do is put down DC movies and basically anything to do with DC comics even when WB is finally turning things around and bring DC movies back to the glory of Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy.... I'm not kidding the trailer for Aquman literally has a Batman Begins tone to it and other reviews of this movie say it has the visual stunning of Avatar...and the most astonishing thing about movie is it's achieving this simply by being what it, a well made movie, no women's movement, no black movement influence was needed.

You hate DC so much that the fact that it's fan are getting the movies they deserve again is tears you up inside doesn't it? HA!HA!HA!HA!


Where on this thread have I said anything about Aquaman ? I haven't even watched it? and in other threads ive actually said I'm looking forward to it.

I don't hate DC at all, Nolans Trilogy, Donner Superman, Batman 89 I love, what I cant stand are DCEU fans and Zack Snyder movies which I think are very very underwhelming.

So why don't you take like my pants, and split.



In order to "finish" one first has to "start". DC is starting 2018 in late December woohoo! It's a clear indicator of the state DC is in when this is their first movie this year, so it's beyond me how someone could write up a title like this.


As a fan of Man of Steel and Nolan's Batman trilogy, I have zero interest in this new wave of DC movies. It hasn't been the same ever since DC decided to adopt Marvel's dude bromance humour angle.



I like that in movies, for example Ghostbusters has male camaraderie, but without too much saccharine.


...and it's the launch of a red-hot 2019 slate.

BTW...not just for DC films but for all of Warner Bros. They did not have ONE single money-losing flop this year and from what I see 2019 will even be stronger.


You think Teen Titans go to The Movies was a hit with a 50 million dollar box office?

Or Tag?

Oceans 8?

The 15:17 to Paris?

12 Strong?

DC Zealots have very low standards.


Check the budgets on those then get back to me.

Also, I didn't classify all of their movies "hits"...I said there wasn't a money-loser in the bunch.

Meanwhile over at Disney...Ralph breaks the Internet looks to be yet another money-loser this year with Universal's The Grinch already overtaking it in daily grosses.


Let's hope this one is good.

That's would give them 2 out of 6 actual good movies.


WB should of started the Comic book movie Boom instead of waiting for Marvel.


Does it really matter at this point? They are beginning a red-hot slate with Aquaman...followed by Shazam!...followed by The Joker...followed by Wonder Woman 84.

It's an embarrassment of riches and feels like the "it" studio at the moment.
