Probably average.

Quite amusing in places, Kevin Hart did a good job of being the clichéd black guy who screeches a lot and surprisingly only made (I think) 4 references to race throughout - not bad for a predominantly film - of - colour!

I quite enjoyed the 80s film references - Roadhouse and Sixteen Candles (if you're black you won't have seen the latter obviously... well according to Hart - but then again by the end of this even he's not sure what is racist - "A black Will Smith" oh my!)


Oh. I thought Sixteen Candles was a made-up title for the movie's script but that's actually a film from the 80's.

Yeah, CI was alright but nothing special.


The scene at the end where The Rock is waiting by the red car... lifted straight from Sixteen Candles, Chris Tucker... sorry - Kevin Hart's wife even mentions SC at that point.

It's a movie from John Hughes who did The Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller... etc but it's pretty crap...!
